Coolest Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf Costumes

Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf Costumes

These Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf costumes were created by a family friend and are completely hand made. Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year and as a Mom, I look forward to dressing up both my kids. This was taken October 31, 2007. This year will be even more … Read more

Coolest Little Riding Hood Costume

Little DEAD Riding Hood Costume

I wanted my daughter to have a Little Red Riding Hood costume for Halloween but she wanted to be something scary. SO I turned her into Little DEAD Riding Hood.

Coolest Little Red Riding Hood Costume

Red Riding Hood Attacked!!

I love twisting bed time stories up a bit. This time it’s Little Red Riding Hood costume attacked by the Wolf! Supplies: Red Riding Hood Outfit Cape Latex neck piece Arm wounds Makeup Blood