Awesome Homemade Red Queen and Mad Hatter Couple Costume

Kirby is the Red Queen and Gary is the MadHatter from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. I (Kirby) love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton's spo

Kirby is the Red Queen and Gary is the Mad Hatter from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. I (Kirby) love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton’s spooky spin on these classic movies he’s directed. I’ve been begging my fiance to do a couple’s costume with me for years now with no prevail – until this year! … Read more

Great Red Queen and Mad Hatter Couple Costume

Great Red Queen and Mad Hatter Couple Costume

Halloween is our favorite holiday. For us it’s about having fun, and being creative. What’s not to love? This year we decided to go as the Red Queen and Mad Hatter. We started early – late summer, searching out all the pieces we would need for our costumes at local thrift stores. We found everything … Read more

Last-Minute Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Couple Costume

Last-Minute Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Couple Costume

Originally my sister and I weren’t planning on dressing up at all this year since we had just moved and free time was very scarce, but as the day got closer we decided that we could at least dress up in a very simple costume.  Being as we always dress in “couple costumes” we decided … Read more

Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter Couple Costume

Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter Couple Costume

This is my daughter and  i am the queen of hearts and she is the mad hatter, i bought a blk dress and put red felt hearts on it, iglued red ribbon on the sleeves and i had a gray granny wig i sprayed red with red hair paint and glued red hearts on a … Read more

A Really Good Red Queen and the Mad Hatter Couple’s Costume

A Really Good Red Queen and the Mad Hatter Couple's Costume

We made these costumes over a matter of weeks (we always get really excited for Halloween).  We got a lot of interesting reactions!  We especially stood out because we managed to only go to the places that no one dressed up at (i.e., the bar with all of the young professionals in their suits, drinking … Read more

Queen of Hearts and Jabberwacky

Queen of Hearts and Jabberwacky

The Queen of Hearts and Jabberwacky costumes were purchased from Goodwill stores and from articles around the house. It was an exceptionally fun theme this year, Alice in Wonderland. Friends and relatives were so impressed and couldn’t get over the fact the costumes were so inexpensive and looked so good. Jabberwacky is Mike Kuntz and … Read more

Coolest Red Queen and Mad Hatter Couple Costume

We bought the red queen costume. But made his mad hatter costume from scratch except for his hat. We bought everything at goodwill and i hot glued th

We bought the red queen costume. But made his mad hatter costume from scratch except for his hat. We bought everything at goodwill and i hot glued thread spools to 2 belts that he wore across himself. short pants. 2 different socks. a plaid vest butterfly scarf and brown corduroy jacket. Then i took some … Read more

Coolest DIY Shrunken Alice and the Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costume

DIY Shrunken Alice and the Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costume

I made these DIY Shrunken Alice and the Mad Hatter couple Halloween costume out of mostly thrift store finds and household objects. I got the idea for the costumes from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. I enjoy making detailed costumes for Halloween and figured that these characters would me challenging enough. And I had not … Read more

Coolest Homemade Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costumes

Homemade Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costumes

These are homemade Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter couple Halloween costumes. I bought the wigs/hat/bowtie. The rest of the costume was made using a pattern and then improvising to make it as realistic to movie. Pictures from the movie were used to help put the make up on the girls just like the movie.