Coolest Homemade Mad Hatter and Alice Couple Costume Ideas

Homemade Mad Hatter and Alice Couple Costume Ideas

My girlfriend and I decided I was going to be the Mad Hatter for Halloween since the night we met May 20th 2010, her friend said gosh! he looks like the guy from Alice in Wonderland! You mean the Mad Hatter? yeah! lol so it was set after months of preparation and hard work. I … Read more

Cool Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes

Homemade Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes

Me and my boyfriend Roger decided to go as the Mad Hatter and me as the Queen of hearts. We try to go all out every year on Halloween being our anniversary and all. He told me I always scream at him (when I don’t! lol) and would tell me that its always “off with … Read more

Coolest Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat Costumes

Homemade Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat Costumes

This is how we made our Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat Costumes: MAD HATTER COSTUME: I took an old jacket and then attached ribbons, lace on the sleeves and pockets. I cut out old pants, and made some brown gloves. Finally, I added old shoes, two socks of different colors, colored fabric for the staple … Read more

Coolest Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes

Homemade Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes

We both love Halloween but it was our first one together so we went all out and made these Homemade Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes. . For Mad Hatter I got his jacket, vest, and pants and a second hand store. His hat I bought a really cheap Mad Hatter version and then … Read more

Coolest Alice and the Mad Hatter Costumes

Alice and the Mad Hatter Costumes

Everyone always told my daughter that she looked like Alice so we went ahead and dressed her for Halloween. Their grandmother made the dress and my son’s suit from patterns. I bought my son’s hat from a costume shop and wrote the sign for it that was in the book. I also bought the dress … Read more

Coolest DIY Costume for Twins – Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum

Coolest Homemade Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum Costume Ideas

For twin boys (age 3), you need a costume that they will WANT to wear and will be comfortable in for the night of Trick or Treating. I thought sweatshirt and pants would be perfect for this costume. Adding some “accessories” turned these basic clothes into an easy and cheap Alice in Wonderland costume. Introducing … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mad Hatter Baby Costume

Homemade Mad Hatter Baby Costume

Over the years I have loved Alice in Wonderland, from collecting tea cups and creating my own Wonderland area in my home to different copies of the movie and books. It’s one of my favorites, which is why I decided this year I would be Alice and my son would be the Mad Hatter. He … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes

Homemade Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes

The idea for the Homemade Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts Costumes came from Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland”, starring Johnny Depp, and premiering in March 2010. We happened to see the trailer for the movie and pictures from it online and based our costumes on them. Both costumes were completely homemade by us. A … Read more

Coolest Homemade Caterpillar and Cheshire Cat Costumes

Homemade Caterpillar and Cheshire Cat Costumes

This year for Halloween, my boyfriend and I dressed in Homemade Caterpillar and Cheshire Cat Costumes. My costume was very easy: I bought 3 pairs of striped tights, one pair I wore as regular tights. With another pair I made a top by cutting a hole in the crotch and holes in the feet for … Read more

Coolest DIY Shrunken Alice and the Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costume

DIY Shrunken Alice and the Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costume

I made these DIY Shrunken Alice and the Mad Hatter couple Halloween costume out of mostly thrift store finds and household objects. I got the idea for the costumes from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. I enjoy making detailed costumes for Halloween and figured that these characters would me challenging enough. And I had not … Read more

Coolest Homemade Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costumes

Homemade Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter Couple Halloween Costumes

These are homemade Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter couple Halloween costumes. I bought the wigs/hat/bowtie. The rest of the costume was made using a pattern and then improvising to make it as realistic to movie. Pictures from the movie were used to help put the make up on the girls just like the movie.

Coolest Homemade Alice and the Queen of Hearts Costumes

Homemade Alice and the Queen of Hearts Costumes

My daughter and I love Alice in Wonderland so we decided to create homemade Alice and the Queen of hearts costumes. She even carried a scepter that was huge and said “off with your head”. My dress had actual cards all along the bottom. It was a fun year. I was a peacock another year … Read more