Evil Homemade Avatar Costume

Evil Homemade Avatar Costume

I love everything about Avatar, and think they are so strong and beautiful. When I told my friends that I was gonna be one, they didn’t think I could pull it off. So I decided to show them! I took inspiration from those in the movie, and created my own Avatar character, with her own … Read more

Coolest Avatar DIY Halloween Costume

Coolest Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume

I decided to be an Avatar this year. I just wore a brown swimsuit top and a blue swimsuit bottom. I made the loin cloth out of Fabric from Hobby Lobby ($1) and brown Yarn. I cut the trips of fabric to fit my size body and just glued it with fabric glue and tied … Read more

Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume

Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume: I absolutely LOVED making this Avatar Halloween costume!  The movie came out that year, and I wanted to be her but the store costume was boring...so

I absolutely LOVED making this Avatar Halloween costume!  The movie came out that year, and I wanted to be her but the store costume was boring…so I decided to make my own!! I bought some zebra print fuzzy fabric and spray painted it blue, and I used that for the tail, ears, and as a … Read more

Great Homemade Avatar Couple Costume

After seeing Avatar I knew right away that that was our next halloween costume!  We had custom made zaneti suits with the blue tiger stripes mad

After seeing Avatar I knew right away that that was our next Halloween costume!  We had custom made Zaneti suits with the blue tiger stripes made up. Wigs attached.  We painted our faces like the characters and used yellow contacts and fangs as well.  It was a blast! People were amazed!  We had a blast … Read more

Female Avatar Costume that’s Way Better than the Store Brand

Hey Guys!
I love the movie Avatar and decided to do a homemade version of the female Avatar costume, since the store brand doesn\'t have sizes tha

I love the movie Avatar and decided to do a homemade version of the female Avatar costume, since the store brand doesn’t have sizes that fit tall people too well… (I’m 5’11). 1. I ordered a light blue unitard from a dance distributor, and I painted over it with a mixture of dark blue and … Read more

Real Life Avatars Halloween Couple Costumes

After seeing the Avatar movie and absolutely loving it, my friend and I decided we HAD to dress up as Avatars for halloween. There were alot of full

After seeing the Avatar movie and absolutely loving it, my friend and I decided we HAD to dress up in real life Avatars halloween couple costumes for Halloween. There were a lot of full costumes that you could just buy, but we wanted to make ours original. We started by looking through our closets for … Read more

Coolest Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume Idea

My homemade Avatar Halloween costume idea is made up of blue and white body paint, I used dark blue and mixed some white with it to make the all-over blue a bit darker then the stripes. The stripes were the dark blue body paint alone, brushed on with sponge brushes. A blue swimsuit bikini top … Read more

Coolest Homemade Avatar Adult Costume Idea

Homemade Avatar Adult Costume Idea

To start off on this homemade Avatar adult costume idea you have to shave your body entirely. If you don’t the paint will flake off more easily and ruin your costume. I bought a small sports bra and white spandex shorts to wear for the night and painted over them. Then I used Ben Nye … Read more

Coolest Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume

Homemade Avatar Halloween Costume

After watching the movie Avatar, I walked out of the theater and said “That’s what I want to be for Halloween next year!” Preparation for this homemade Avatar Halloween costume began early since I needed to order yellow contact lenses and make sure they arrived in time. The biggest issue was deciding how to colour … Read more

Coolest Homemade Childs Avatar Na’vi Costume

Homemade Childs Avatar Na'vi Costume

After seeing Avatar my daughter decided she MUST be a Na’vi Princess for Halloween. This homemade childs Avatar Na’vi costume was fun to make. I hand-painted tights and a leotard with two shades of blue fabric paint for the stripes. I made the tail from floral wire and wrapped it with the sheet style stuffing … Read more

Coolest Homemade Navi from Avatar Costume

Homemade Navi from Avatar Costume

I work for an advertising agency and Halloween is a HUGE deal. Most everyone dresses up and each year the ideas get better and better. This Navi from Avatar Costume was from this year and I won!! Yay! Here’s how I created the look…I took a pair of white tights and a tight white shirt … Read more

Awesome Homemade Avatar Costume

Coolest Homemade Avatar Costume

The Homemade Avatar Costume took a year and three attempts to perfect. I began with a blue lycra bodysuit, and my college textiles department generously gave me a tub of fabric paint that we mixed together to create the right colour, and then my long-suffering friends painted me in the suit in the bathroom while … Read more