Cool Cindy Lou Who Homemade Girls Halloween Costume

My Amelia takes her precious time every year trying to pick just the PERFECT costume... some how every year she picks a costume that TOTALLY fits her

My Amelia takes her precious time every year trying to pick just the PERFECT costume. Some how every year she picks a costume that TOTALLY fits her original look. This year she FELL IN LOVE with the idea of a Cindy Lou Who hair do! Our first step was to find a black and white … Read more

Christmas Tree, Cindy Lou Who and The Grinch Costumes

Christmas Tree, Cindy Lou Who and The Grinch Costumes

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love competing in contests!  I try to make costumes that make people smile and they can relate to.  Usually I choose a weather theme but this year I decided it would be more for fun and not competition (well, that’s how it started at least.) My husband is … Read more

Creepy Zombie Lou Who Costume

Creepy Zombie Lou Who Costume

I had been wanting to make a Cindy Lou Who costume from the live action version for years and was not willing to get a store bought costume as I so often don’t because making your own is so much fun! By the end of the summer I already gathered materials like teacups and fake … Read more

Easy and Impressive Cindy Lou Who Costume

Easy and Impressive Cindy Lou Who Costume

I had wanted to make this Cindy Lou Who costume for a few years. And I finally just decided it was time. I had the hair on my head and the rest was so easy to make that I just went for it. I made the cloak and the skirt. I had no pattern for … Read more

Coolest DIY Cindy Lou Who Halloween Costume

Coolest DIY Cindy Lou Who Halloween Costume

My costume was easy to make. I had almost everything I needed already – a dress, black shoes, and tights. I just needed to make a “cape” and figure out how to do my hair and make-up. For the cape: I bought a red pillowcase for the cape (99 cents!!), glued cotton balls around the … Read more

The Grinch and Cyndi Lou Who Costumes

The Grinch and Cyndi Lou Who Costumes

The Grinch was a Santa suit pattern and then we made green fur pants and gloves and a small piece for chest hair. We then painted his face green and added black detail lines. Cyndi we found a fabric that was so close to her dress in the movie and made it out of a … Read more

Coolest Cindy Lou Who DIY Costume

Cindy Lou Who Costume

For this Cindy Lou Who Costume, I found a houndstooth print dress at the thrift store (though any crazy black and white pattern will do). I paired it with red tights, and black shoes. Her cape is made from a piece of red felt with a white boa glued around the edge, and I stitched … Read more

Cute Homemade Cindy Lou Who Halloween Costume

Homemade Cindy Lou Who Halloween Costume

This is a Homemade Cindy Lou Who Halloween Costume for my 6 year old daughter. I found an adult red velvet cape from a vampire costume from years’ past and cut it to my daughter’s size. I then added white fur trim around the hood and edges. She wore her Christmas dress from last year. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cindy Lou Who Costume

Homemade Cindy Lou Who Costume

My daughter had been wanting to be Cindy Lou who for the last two years, so this year I went all out and made her dress and cape. She loved it so much she wants to wear the outfit for Christmas as well… I started off with a pattern for an A-line dress, I made … Read more

Coolest Cindy Lou Who Costume

Coolest Cindy Lou Who Costume

During the chilly months, friends, family and strangers constantly comment on how much our daughter, Isabella, looks like Cindy Lou Who with her red and up-turned nose and sweet demeanor. I kept that Cindy Lou Who Costume idea in the back of my mind when I ran across the perfect dress at a second-hand store, … Read more

Cool DIY Cindy Lou Who Costume

Best Halloween Costumes and Ideas for Dr. Seuss Characters

My daughter wanted to be Cindy Lou. So off I went shopping. First I went to Value World (like Salvation Army). I was really lucky to find a black checkered dress. I bought an oversized red velvet robe at Value World. I cut it to the size of a cape. Then I went to the … Read more

Coolest Cindy Lou Who Homemade Costume

Cindy Lou Who

My daughter’s school had a Christmas in October party. She wanted to dress in a Cindy Lou Who costume. I purchased a child’s wig and hair extensions. I braided the wig, hot glued the extensions to a Styrofoam cone then glued the cone to the top of the wig. The outfit I made for a … Read more