Awesome Homemade Flasher Gremlin Costume

As soon as the thought of being a Gremlin from the movie Gremlins came to me I got super excited.  I grew up watching the movie and loving it so

As soon as the thought of being a Gremlin from the movie Gremlins came to me I got super excited.  I grew up watching the movie and loving it so I made a trip to the video store to rekindle the thoughts and images in my mind. I decided to go above and beyond anything … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bride Greta Gremlin Costume

Coolest Homemade Bride Greta Gremlin Costume

Okay, must say Greta Gremlin costume came to mind during Covid, having to stay home more, working remotely, this costume was my therapy and distraction from all the craziness. I needed something epic to wear, something fun and amazing to make everyone smile. Gremlins, who doesn’t love Gremlins? You people out there are so talented, … Read more

Adorable Gizmo and Stripe Gremlins Costumes

Adorable Gizmo and Stripe Gremlins Costumes

My daughter (Gizmo) who is 4-years-old LOVES the Gremlins. She carries around a Gizmo doll everywhere she goes. Her brother, who is 9, decided to make his sister a happy camper this year and while she dressed in a Gizmo costume, he dressed up in a Stripe costume. Making the Gizmo and Stripe Costumes Gizmo is … Read more

Girly Gizmo Costume for Toddler

Girly Gizmo Costume for Toddler

I got the idea for this costume because my daughter reminds me of a gremlin. I was influenced by this little white fuzzy winter hat that she wore. For material I used two yards of white faux fur and one yard of tan faux fur. I traced her body on a piece of brown paper … Read more

Easy to Make Gizmo Costume

Easy to Make Gizmo Costume

My friends birthday falls on Halloween, this year it was her 30th which meant the celebrations were going to be bigger than usual. She decided to make her party themed -80’s style. At first I was sceptical, people were talking about leg warmers, neon, shoulder pads, but that’s not my style. I love a personal … Read more

Scratch Built Gremlins 2 Mogwai Costume

Scratch Built Gremlins 2 Mogwai Costume

This Halloween I decided to honor one of the greatest Cinematic Masterpieces in the history of film. Gremlins 2! While most people love the good guy, I opted not to create the soft and cuddley hero of the franchise. Instead of crafting Gizmo, I went with the main baddy of the film, Mowhawk! The fur costume … Read more

Coolest Homemade Gremlin Couple Costume

Coolest Homemade Gremlin Couple Costume

I was inspired to do Greta the Gremlin from Gremlins 2 after seeing several costumes online. Once I got the inspiration, my boyfriend and I decided to do it together and make it a couples costume. This is the first time we had done anything like this but we had so much fun doing this … Read more

Sexy Greta Gremlin Costume from Gremlins 2 Movie

Sexy Greta Gremlin Costume from Gremlins 2 Movie

Gremlins has always been one of my favorite movies as a kid. And Greta Gremlin has always been my favorite character. It’s a costume that I’ve always wanted to do… And I finally got around to attempting it this year. I started off by investing in a really good green wig. Then I purchased a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mr. Wing Costume from Gremlins

Coolest Homemade Mr. Wing Costume from Gremlins

Hello.  This year I dressed as Mr. Wing (Grandfather), the shop owner from the movie, Gremlins.  This costume came to me at the last minute after I’d already searched everywhere for a few months for parts to my other weird costume ideas. With only a week or so left, it was too late to get … Read more

Cool Homemade Brotherly-Love Couple Costumes Gremlins-Style

Cool Homemade Brotherly-Love Couple Costumes Gremlins-Style

My sons wanted to do something different and unique this year for Halloween.  What is better than being the characters from your favorite Halloween movie.  One wanted to be a good gremlin (Gizmo) and the other wanted to be a bad gremlin (Stripe).  The costume itself was fairly easy to make however the fur did … Read more

Coolest Gremlins Gizmo and Stripe Couple Costume

Homemade Gremlins Gizmo and Stripe Couple Costume

My partner and I both have a love for 80’s movies. We really wanted to be something together for Halloween that was unique, which neither of us had seen done before. As we gathered a ‘costume list’ throughout the year, we finally settled on a Homemade Gremlins Gizmo and Stripe Couple Costume in September. We … Read more