Coolest Harry Potter Golden Snitch Costumes

Homemade Harry Potter Golden Snitch Costumes

My housemates and I go to the University of Winchester in the UK and our SU has themed nights most Fridays which we almost always go to and we always try to be original with our costumes and make them ourselves because it is often a lot cheaper and its fun! The theme this week … Read more

Coolest Hermione Granger Costume

Coolest Hermione Granger Costume

Hermione is intelligent, practical, and at some times, bossy. I love how much she cares and how hard she always works. This Coolest Hermione Granger Costume is a fairly easy costume to put together because chances are, you already have the parts! I first wore a white collared blouse (my mom had one) under a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hagred Costume from Harry Potter

Homemade Hagred Costume

This Hagred Costume from Harry Potter was a fun thing to put together. I did buy the mask but I cut it up so it would fit better. From there I went to the local Salvation Army store where I had found all the clothes I needed and then some first was the coat then … Read more

Coolest Hogwarts Ravenclaw Girl Student Costumes

Homemade Hogwarts Ravenclaw Girl Student Costumes

For the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 (the movie) at midnight, my friends and I all decided to dress up as Hogwarts students. My two friends and I that had planned the event had already made ourselves outfits from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 but we had … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bride of Voldemort Costume from Harry Potter

Homemade Bride of Voldemort Costume from Harry Potter

I was not planning on dressing up this year but then, at the last minute, decided I would be a woodland fairy which would have been easy enough: a little green netting, a wreath in the hair, a wand etc. However, as the day wore on, I decided to revert to my staple costume, which … Read more