My Winifred Sanderson Costume

My Winifred Sanderson Costume

It started with “Book”. I found a hard plastic book labeled “Treasure Island” that opened up so you could store stuff inside. I molded “Books” design with air dry clay, spray painted it brown, used a needle to make holes in the clay to put hemp string through to give it that “dead skin sewn … Read more

Cute Winifred Sanderson Hocus Pocus Costume for a Girl

Cute Winifred Sanderson Hocus Pocus Costume for a Girl

My 4 year old is obsessed with Hocus Pocus. It was ALL she wanted to be for Halloween. We searched everywhere….she picked the green fabric, the purple velvet cobweb fabric. she wanted the BOOK so I bought a headband with eyes, took it off and attached it to a small dollar store journal. I set … Read more

Cute Hocus Pocus Girl’s Group Costume

Cute Hocus Pocus Girl's Group Costume

I have three daughters; the oldest a redhead, the middle a brunette and the youngest is a blonde. This makes for the perfect set up for Sanderson sisters’ costumes from the movie Hocus Pocus. My husband was Billy Butcherson and I played the part of Binx the cat. I started the costumes by searching Good … Read more

Sanderson Sisters Hocus Pocus DIY Girl Group Costume

Sanderson Sisters Hocus Pocus DIY Girl Group Costume

We are three friends (two of us sisters) who wanted to do something together this year. Our very good friends throw a huge bash, complete with a DJ, for about 100 people. We finally came up with and agreed upon being the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus, and we were so excited. We didn’t tell … Read more

Homemade Sanderson Sisters Group Costume from Hocus Pocus

Homemade Sanderson Sisters Group Costume from Hocus Pocus

When I proposed the Sanderson Sisters to my best friend we knew we wanted to piece it together from scratch and not just buy the full dresses. We also knew that we would need to add as much detail as we could to create a true to the movie costume. I bought the crushed velvet, … Read more

Cool Billy Butcherson Costume from Hocus Pocus

Cool Billy Butcherson Costume from Hocus Pocus

The same year (2012) my son wanted to be Davy Jones for trick or treating, he asked to be something easier for school. My solution…. Billy Butcherson the zombie from Hocus Pocus! It was a costume I made my husband a few years back. I pulled it out, and yay, it fit Joe!  It was … Read more

Winifred Sanderson Costume from Hocus Pocus

Winifred Sanderson Costume from Hocus Pocus

Nicole as Winifred Sanderson. I have loved the movie “Hocus Pocus” since I was a little kid and the first year I was able to host my own Halloween Party I knew this had to be my costume!  There aren’t any premade costumes out there so I had to get creative and piece it together! … Read more

Great Homemade Hocus Pocus Girls Group Costume

Sistaaaaaas!  Three girls, a love of Hocus Pocus and Halloween will mix up to this great combo!  This dynamic trio, which was born three ye

Sistaaaaaas!  Three girls, a love of Hocus Pocus and Halloween will mix up to this great combo of the Hocus Pocus girls group costume!  This dynamic trio, which was born three years ago, was created through an entire September and October of watching this great film DAILY!  Every detail had to be perfect for us … Read more

Cool Winifred Sanderson Hocus Pocus Homemade Costume

Thank you Max, for that marrrvolous introduction. This costume combines everything awesome: half scary, half ginger and 100 percent \'buck-toothed,

Thank you Max, for that marvelous introduction. This cool Winifred Sanderson Hocus Pocus homemade costume combines everything awesome: half scary, half ginger and 100 percent ‘buck-toothed, mop riding, firefly from HELL!’ For all those nostalgic 90’s babies that ever wanted to light the Black Flame candle, sing ‘I Put a Spell on You’ by heart–choreography … Read more

Coolest Winifred Sanderson Costume from Hocus Pocus

This was my creation Of Wini for a child\'s trick or treat at we did at work. I used a gothic wig and pulled all the hair into two sections and pin

This was my creation a Winifred Sanderson Costume from Hocus Pocus for a child’s trick or treat at we did at work. I used a Gothic wig and pulled all the hair into two sections and pinned and glued to keep it up. I made the over coat from penne fabric and glued gold trim … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hocus Pocus Group Halloween Costume Ideas

Homemade Hocus Pocus Group Halloween Costume Ideas

It took quite a bit of studying of the movie for our Homemade Hocus Pocus Group Halloween Costume Ideas, but we tried to get every detail of the Sanderson sisters down to a tee and I think we were pretty successful. The Sanderson sisters are from the Disney movie Hocus Pocus. My friends and I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hocus Pocus Unique Group Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Hocus Pocus Unique Group Halloween Costume Idea

We watched the movie a thousand times and bought tons of fabric and started sewing! This Homemade Hocus Pocus Unique Group Halloween Costume Idea took 3 days and on Halloween we put everything together. Makeup and getting ready took hour! We were getting stopped every 5 seconds!