Coolest Homemade Star Wars Jawa Costume

Homemade Star Wars Jawa Costume

The robe for my son’s Homemade Star Wars Jawa Costume started out being made with monk’s cloth and dyed brown with rit dye (which took forever). We had issues with the monk’s cloth so decided to go instead with a cotton wool mix that I did not have to dye. The belts are from K-mart; … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jabba the Hutt Costume

Homemade Jabba the Hutt Costume

I made this Homemade Jabba the Hutt Costume based on my son’s challenge and as a creative outlet. Notice the circle patterns on the lower body. This is a blue sleeping bag (Goodwill find) stapled to the the head. The head is formed out of ¾” foam with 1” staples and hot glue holding together … Read more

Star Wars Halloween Costumes

This is one of the Star Wars Halloween costumes that is fun to make. My oldest son was Darth Vader and my youngest son was Yoda, so keeping with the Star Wars theme I had to come up with a character for my middle son. I kept searching for something to catch my eye, but … Read more

Cool DIY Teen Wolf Costume

Homemade Teen Wolf Costume

For the facial hair of this Homemade Teen Wolf Costume, I bought a caveman wig off For the arms and legs I bought a couple of yards of fake fur from the Fabric Depot. My girlfriend sewed them into leg and arm sections that I could wear and then sewed the legs to my … Read more

Coolest Homemade Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Couple Costume

Homemade Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Couple Costume

This Homemade Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Couple Costume is straight from Maurice Sendak’s world of imagination, no Spike Jonze here. They roar their terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth and roll their terrible eyes and show their terrible claws, their terribly awesome homemade teeth, eyes, and claws. The splendor of these costumes … Read more

Coolest Kids Max the King Costume

Homemade Kids Max the King Costume

My daughter wanted to be “Max the King” from “Where the Wild Things Are”. I could not find a costume anywhere so I had to whip it together. She already had a hoodie with faux fur inside so we just flipped it inside out. We flipped her tan sweat pants inside out. For a tail, … Read more

The Coolest Homemade Boy Lion Costume

Homemade Boy Lion Costume

This homemade boy lion costume was originally made for a costume-party my daughter was invited to when she was 7, and was meant to be a mouse-costume. That was what she requested, a mouse-costume with a long tail,and also what she got. She was very pleased and it made a success at the party, as … Read more

Dorothy – Wizard of Oz Costume

Wizard Of Oz Costume

After watching the Wizard of Oz more times than I care to recall, my daughter announced she wanted to be Dorothy for Halloween. Since I’m able to sew a bit, I decided against purchasing a poorly constructed pre-made non-washable costume in favor of making a dress that could actually be worn again! The pattern was … Read more

Coolest Hand-Crafted Wizard of Oz Group Costumes

Homemade Wizard of Oz Group Costume

There was actually 12 of us all of us, different characters from Wizard of Oz but I cant find that picture of the Wizard of Oz Group Costume right now. I made the wicked witch just using a Simplicity pattern. The little flower munchkin was also from a pattern. For the lollipop guild I found … Read more

Cool Wizard of Oz Group Costume

Homemade Wizard of Oz Group Costume

Several years ago my friends wanted to do a Homemade Wizard of Oz Group Costume. I made my gingham dress and added a white shirt. I painted red glitter on a pair of white high heels. The Tin Man was an a grey shirt and dickies. A spray painted oil funnel and bought the clock … Read more

Coolest Scarecrow Halloween Costume

Who let the crows out?

Being in our mid forties with the kids grown and out of the house my wife and I find ourselves being more impulsive every day. We’ve begun to live by the adage that you don’t stop playing because you grow older, you grow older because you stop playing. So, quite out of the blue, we … Read more