Coolest Homemade Doomsday Viper Costume

Homemade Doomsday Viper Costume

I made this homemade Doomsday Viper costume. As mentioned previously, I get a little obsessive about my costumes and usually start in the late summer on halloween costumes. I always find it’s hard to find good female characters with a unique costume or look. I loved the movie Doomsday and the character “Viper” says like … Read more

Coolest Zombieland Couple Costume

Zombieland Couple Costume

My boys wanted to dress up as a couple of their favorite zombie hunters, Columbus (left) and Tallahassee (right) from Zombieland. For Columbus, I curled my older sons’ hair (well, as best I could) and only had to purchase a cap gun. He already had the blue button-up shirt and blue hoodie for the outfit. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Borat Costume

Homemade Borat Costume

Here’s my homemade Borat costume… Grey Suit, eBay £20 Russian Pin and American pin eBay £2 Grey shirt (Had this already) Gold tie – eBay £5 Brown Shoes (had this already) Flag – Printed from Google search and stuck around a kebab stick. Brown bag – The girlfriend had one of these Wig and mustache … Read more

Coolest Men In Black Family Costume

Homemade Men In Black Family Costume

Our family does theme costumes each year, but as the mom of boys…this year we did not agree. They wanted gore, and I wanted cute. So we compromised. They are the Men In Black, and I am their alien. I got the jackets from Goodwill, the sunglasses from a costume shop and bought my green … Read more

Coolest Sam from Trick ‘r Treat Costume

Homemade Sam from Trick 'r Treat Costume

This Homemade Sam from Trick ‘r Treat Costume was handmade by making a paper mache head, once dried cutting the balloon to look like a space helmet and covering it with burlap and rope. The eyes are large buttons that I painted with black spray paint, string for the mouth, sewing a sleeper with orange … Read more

Cool Spaceballs Costumes

Spaceballs Costume

This Spaceball costume is a homemade costume put together after scouring thrift stores, shopping online, and crafting stuff ourselves. Dark Helmet’s Helmet (though it’s hard to see in pics) was made from a planter and hand-painted, Barf’s name tag actually has Barf embroidered on it, and Dot has a light-up LED”Virgin Alert” and is on … Read more

Cool Homemade Caddyshack Costume for a Couple

Homemade Caddyshack Costumes

Caddyshack is one of our favorite movies, so why not dress as Carl Spackler? These homemade Caddyshack costumes were very easy to put together. The gray t-shirts and hats were purchased at Wal-Mart. We added ‘looper’ and ‘pro jock’ on the back of the shirts with black iron on letters. The green pants and black … Read more

Funny Homemade Austin Powers Character Costume Ideas

Coolest Homemade Character Costume Ideas and Photo Gallery

The funniest character costume I ever made was Fook Yu and Fook Mei from the Austin Powers film. I first started by making two really short cheerleading skirts. I didn’t use patterns but you can purchase a cheerleading pattern at almost every fabric store. For the shirts I bought two inexpensive ribbed crew neck shirts … Read more

Coolest Homemade Scarlet Ohara Costume

Coolest Homemade Scarlet Ohara Costume Ideas

My daughter wanted a Gone with the Wind birthday party! I bought red velvet material, red feather material, red sequins, red beads and some fake jewels as well as red gauze-like material that had some sparkles for the wrap I used a doll’s dress as a pattern and measures my daughter to fit. I sewed … Read more

Mary Poppins Costume

“It’s true that Mavis and Sybil have ways that are winning and Prudence and Gwendolyn set your heart spinning! Phoebe’s delightful Maude is disarming… Janice Felicia Lydia…charming! Cynthia’s dashing, Vivian’s sweet! Stephanie’s smashing Priscilla a treat. Veronica Millicent Agnes and Jane… convivial company time and again. Dorcas and Phyllis and Glynis are sorts I will … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cousin It from the Addams Family Costume

Homemade Cousin It from the Addams Family Costume

I made this Homemade Cousin It from the Addams Family Costume a couple of years back. I cut hundreds of threads that I purchased all the same length and then taped together using the method of laying them even on one sheet of duct tape and the covering it with another. My original idea was … Read more