Coolest Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat Costumes

Homemade Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat Costumes

This is how we made our Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat Costumes: MAD HATTER COSTUME: I took an old jacket and then attached ribbons, lace on the sleeves and pockets. I cut out old pants, and made some brown gloves. Finally, I added old shoes, two socks of different colors, colored fabric for the staple … Read more

Funny Homemade Beetlejuice Halloween Costume

Homemade Beetlejuice Halloween Costume

It was at the last minute I decided to dress up for my Halloween party I have just about every year and I decided to be a Homemade Beetlejuice Halloween Costume. I bought the wig and no outfit so I just started putting things together. You will see everyone said I looked just like him, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lydia Deetz Costume

Homemade Lydia Deetz Costume

To make my homemade Lydia Deetz costume I raided my closest ha ha. I wore my long black broom skirt and tall black combat boots. I wore my husband’s button down black dress shirt (I didn’t tuck it in to give it that Lydia over-sided feel). I wore fingerless lace black gloves. I had a … Read more

Coolest Adam and Barbara Maitland Couple Costume

Homemade Adam and Barbara Maitland Couple Costume

I made Barbara’s mask out of wire and paper mache. Once the form was completed, I hand painted in appropriate flesh tones on the outside and used red and black for the inside of her mouth. Her teeth are marshmallows that were glued onto a piece of poster board that I cut and sized to … Read more

Cute DIY Oompa Loompa Couple Costume

Oompa Loompa Costume

My name Is Jamie and my co worker Monica are just about the same size. We always enjoy making people laugh and thought little dancing Oompa Loompa’s would be pretty funny. To start off we took a shoulder length blond wig and put rollers in it and sprayed it green. For a nice shade of … Read more

Coolest Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompas Group Costume

Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompas Group Costume

OOmpa Loompa Doopity Doo, Willy Wonka Let us off work for a day of Candy making to enjoy Halloween. I really wanted to be something different than the normal Halloween costume you end up seeing so we made a modern spin on the old Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompas Group Costume. We where able … Read more

Cool Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa Costumes

Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa Costumes

My daughter and I did couple costumes for the first 7 years of her life. Dalmatian and Cruella DeVille, Madeline and Miss Clavele, Snow White and the Witch… whatever she was into at the time. Then she wanted to do her own thing, so this Halloween was very special to me that she participated in … Read more

Creative DIY Oompa Loompa Costume for a Man

Homemade Oompa Loompa Costume

In my circle of friends, Halloween is a big deal. I used to hate dressing up until I met this group of friends and now they expect me to come up with the most creative costume each year. This year I decided to create an authentic Homemade Oompa Loompa Costume from the classic movie “Willy … Read more

Cool Homemade Grinch Who Stole Christmas Costume

Homemade Grinch Who Stole Christmas Costume

My 4 year old decided he wanted a Grinch Who Stole Christmas Costume 6 months ago. With some help from grandma we created the coolest Grinch costume for him. I special ordered some lime green monster fabric and a Santa suit. Then I made some grinchy finger gloves and elf shoes. He carries around a … Read more

Original DIY Edward Scissorhands Costume for a Man

Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume

well, I wasn’t sure on what would be my costume for Halloween, but I decided to be Edward Scissorhands because a lot of people told me I look like him, even if I don’t think so. Anyways, I made my Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume and here is how it looks, I’m not totally satisfied, but … Read more

Coolest Marshmallow Man Halloween Costume

Marshmallow Man Makes Friends

This is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Halloween costume from Ghostbusters fame. He is about 7 1/2 ft tall. The upper body is made of layers of foam remnants clear packing tape and held together by hot glue. The skin is felt like material from a dry goods store and glued on like a moppet. … Read more