Coolest Mrs. Scissorhands Costume

Homemade Mrs. Scissorhands Costume

I dressed up as Mrs. Scissorhands this year and my husband was Edward Scissorhands. I found a pleathery dress at Forever 21 with gold grommets on the upper back which worked perfectly. I got some gold colored steel rings from Hobby Lobby and used black electrical tape to attach them sporadically on the dress like … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ghostbuster Halloween Costume

Homemade Ghostbuster Halloween Costume

This is a cool Ghostbuster costume with a homemade proton pack. My husband worked on this for a little over a month. It has wires, and reflectors on it. The gun is made from a sword bought at the local Dollar tree and the overalls were made from a pair of men’s painting coveralls. Everyone … Read more

Coolest Stay Puft Costume

Coolest Stay Puft Costume

I’ve alwasy wanted a Stay Puft costume since I saw the movie when I was 5. Now being 25 I figured why the heck. I heard about a costume contest at a local club and started on it. After 2 days of trial and error on how to make the body I finally got it … Read more

Coolest Pippi Longstocking Costume

Coolest Pippi Longstocking Costume

For Character day at my daughter’s school, she decided she wanted to be Pippi Longstocking. 1. First we went to Salvation Army and bought a denim jumper dress ($3) and a red and white striped shirt ($2) 2. Second I cut old t-shirts and sew them onto the jumper for patches. I hand sewed them … Read more

Pippi Longstocking Costume

Costume submitted by: Tammy H. Cassville WI Lindsey (five years old) is crazy about Pippi Longstocking and decided that’s who she was going as this year. She had watched the DVD from the library and from that moment on it was a Pippi Longstocking costume. I bought a blue jumper on eBay and then got … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ahsoka Tano Costume

Homemade Ahsoka Tano Costume

This is my daughter Olivia who is obsessed with Star Wars. She wanted a Homemade Ahsoka Tano Costume for Halloween. Of course she couldn’t pick the easy Princess Leia. So the costume is basically a white leotard dyed using brown orange and red Rit Dye to make the Terra Cotta skin tone. Then I sewed … Read more

Coolest Homemade Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite Costume

Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite Costume

This year I decided to go all out and create a great movie icon costume, calling it Han Solo frozen in Carbonite. It started with a wooden frame held together with screws and nails. I was initially going to make it out of foam, but decided it had to be really sturdy in order to … Read more

Coolest R2D2 Halloween Costume

Homemade R2D2 Halloween Costume

This R2D2 Halloween Costume is 100% Homemade! It has lights and sounds too! The costume is made out of a garbage can, bowl mounted to a bike helmet and plastic downspouts for the legs. The battery operated speakers played a loop of downloaded r2d2 sounds on the ipod and the lights are all battery operated … Read more

Coolest Homemade Yoda Costume

Homemade Yoda Costume

This homemade Yoda costume was actually a really easy and really cheap costume to make but ended up being quite effective. I bought a plain plastic mask from the costume shop (30p) and cut the bottom half of it off and built up layers of paper mache to form the ridges and shape of the … Read more

Cool Homemade Teen Wolf Costume

Homemade Teen Wolf Costume

I had decided to go for the Homemade Teen Wolf Costume after viewing this web site. I wasn’t sure what to go as. I wanted maximum impact for the party since it was New Years eve 2010 and all my friends are fans of the film. For the outfit I purchased a wig from a … Read more

Coolest Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Costumes

Max, the King of all wild things, will eat you up!

MAX: I purchased adult sized footed-pajamas and made several alterations to recreate Max’s “Wolf Pajamas.” A hole was cut at the back where a black feathered boa was hanging out from. Four large white buttons were sewed onto the front of the pajamas. Two pairs of stretchy white gloves were used – one for pointy … Read more

Coolest Where the Wild Things Are Group Costume

Where the Wild Things Are Group Costume

Ever since I heard that ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ was coming out in the movies I decided to put together a costume for one of the monsters. I had seen many Max costumes, but not too many monsters. After seeing the previews, I knew I was going to do a Carole costume. I started … Read more