Coolest Homemade Pirate Halloween Costume

Homemade Pirate Halloween Costume

For this Homemade Pirate Halloween Costume I had made use of old white long-sleeved shirt, black vest, old black belt, old dark blue hat, old white uniform for cutting skull patterns, cardboard to make cutlass and eye patch, plastic cup to make hook, old black pant, lady’s black shoe, and old striped bandana. Lastly, aluminum … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baby Pirate Costume

Homemade Baby Pirate Costume

I could not find my baby a pirate costume that would match with the ones our family was wearing. Actually the smallest one I could find was for a 1 year old; my son is five months. I decided to give it a shot and try to make a Homemade Baby Pirate Costume myself. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Captain Jack Sparrow Halloween Costume

Homemade Captain Jack Sparrow Halloween Costume

Although the costume of Captain Jack Sparrow is not a new one, we wanted it to be as close as possible to the original for my 6 year old son. We checked a lot of stuff online and I decided to create a Homemade Captain Jack Sparrow Halloween Costume. I also watched the movie twice … Read more

Coolest Homemade Girls Pirate Costume

Homemade Girls Pirate Costume

My daughter announced at 7pm that she had to dress up as a pirate the next day!!! Of course I had nothing prepared and it was too late to buy anything, so thanks to sites like yours on the internet I was able to get some great ideas. First off I found a denim skirt … Read more