Cool Jack Frost and Heat Miser Child’s Couple Costume

Cool Jack Frost and Heat Miser Child's Couple Costume

I have made a few homemade costumes before, it just takes imagination. My one son has bleach blonde hair, so he has gone as Billy Idol (when he was just two) and it fit him perfectly.  Then the following year was his little brother’s first Halloween, and they went as Mighty Mouse and Underdog, again … Read more

Cute Homemade Miser Brothers Christmas Costume

Cute Homemade Miser Brothers Christmas Costume

It took me a few months to make their costumes perfect. I don’t own a sewing machine, so I did a lot of the sewing at work while on break. The wigs were spray painted and the red wig for the Heat Miser had Christmas lights sewn in with a battery pack so it would … Read more

Coolest Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Halloween Costume

Much time was spent to find the right pieces to recreate the timeless characters from The Year Without A Santa Clause. We settled on shinny

Much time was spent to find the right pieces to recreate the timeless characters, Heat Miser and Snow Miser couple Halloween costume from The Year Without A Santa Clause. We settled on shinny spandex pants at the base and found red and blue thermal shirts for tops.  The tops were appropriately cut and embellishes, then … Read more

Coolest Last-Minute Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Costumes

Coolest Last-Minute Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Costumes

The night before our friends’ Halloween party in Cincinnati, we were faced with the expectation of surpassing our previous year’s Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein costumes. I’d always wanted to use another holiday (particularly Christmas) as inspiration, and this was my favorite TV special. It’s pretty clear from the photo that I spent more time … Read more

Coolest Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Costume

Homemade Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Costume

For both Heat and Snow Miser, large pieces of colored fleece were purchased from the fabric store. Using a sewing machine (not very well) I sewed the costume “dresses”. I used red felt to create the pointed collar for Heat Miser and was attached with hot glue. For Snow Miser I took a blue scarf … Read more

Coolest Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

Homemade Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

All homemade and a hit at the parties! The best parts are the “ice hair’ made from candle wax over a paper mache mold. The icicles on the nose are from hot wax and the cane has a Christmas ornament on top filled with snow flakes. Heat Miser hair is all natural with just super … Read more

Coolest Heat Miser and Snow Miser Costumes

Homemade Heat Miser and Snow Miser Costumes

Each year my children pick costumes for us to make for Halloween. This year was the most challenging, Heat Miser and Snow Miser from “A Year Without a Santa Claus.” The hardest part of the Homemade Heat Miser and Snow Miser Costumes were the masks. We made them out of paper-mache. As a form, I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

Homemade Snow Miser and Heat Miser Costumes

I don’t know about the rest of you, but one of my all time favorite shows at Christmas Time is the 1970’s classic “The Year Without a Santa Claus”. We always watch this special as a family and I have passed down a special childhood memory of mine to our 3 kids. My 11 year … Read more

Coolest Homemade Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Costumes

Homemade Heat Miser and Snow Miser Couple Costumes

Here is a photo of my two boys as Heat Miser and Snow Miser from the movie, “A Year Without A Santa Claus”. This is an old favorite movie of mine that I shared with my boys and they loved the movie and the songs that Heat and Snow Miser sing. So together we decided … Read more