Cute Baby Max from Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Costume

My huband and I are theatre teachers/directors and we love to make homemade costumes.  We take it pretty seriously. One of our favorite books is

My husband and I are theater teachers/directors and we love to make homemade costumes. We take it pretty seriously. One of our favorite books is “Where the Wild Things Are” and, before we were even expecting, we knew that, if we had a boy, his first Halloween costume would be Max from the book. We … Read more

Coolest Where The Wild Things Are Costumes: Moishe and Tzippy

Let the wild rumpus begin!I studied the book for an hour before deciding on a game plan to tackle our costumes. I started with Moishe (the wild thi

Let the wild rumpus begin! I studied the book for an hour before deciding on a game plan to tackle our Where The Wild Things Are Costumes: Moishe and Tzippy. I started with Moishe (the wild thing with the black fur and striped body) and searched the greater St. Louis area for a faux fur … Read more

Coolest Max from Where The Wild Things Are Costume

This one was complete no-sew. All hot glue...1) I wanted white footey pjs but had the hardest time finding them. So I picked up a white hoodie and

This Max from Where The Wild Things Are costume was complete no-sew. All hot glue. 1) I wanted white footey pjs but had the hardest time finding them. So I picked up a white hoodie and white opaque (knitted) tights. You can see they were slipped over her shoes to be as accurate as possible, this … Read more

Coolest Homemade Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Costume

Homemade Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Costume

My husband always love the book, “Where the Wild Things Are”. Since the movie came out just before Halloween, we thought it would be cool to make this Homemade Where the Wild Things Are Halloween Costume. He sketched out his own version of a Wild Thing. I constructed it, and invented the pattern. It’s sewn … Read more

Coolest Homemade Carol from Where The Wild Things Are Costume

Homemade Carol from Where The Wild Things Are Costume

Fall was in the air, which meant it was time to start thinking of what or who to be for Halloween. As I was starting to come up with costume ideas I was flipping through the channels. I came across the movie, “Where The Wild Things Are”, which is based off an older children’s book. … Read more

Cool Max from Where the Wild Things Are Costume

Homemade Max from Where the Wild Things Are Costume

My son loves “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak so we decided to make a Max costume for him for Halloween last year. Searching on-line, I found a fleece one piece suit body suit. I bought oversized buttons and sewed them down the front of the body suit. I found a real wolf … Read more

Coolest Homemade Carol Costume from Where the Wild Things Are

Homemade Carol Costume from Where the Wild Things Are

Throughout nursery and early grade school, my favorite book had always been Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak. Many years later, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw a preview for Spike Jonze’s theatrical version this past summer, and it was at that point that I started thinking of a way … Read more

Coolest Homemade Little Wild Thing Baby Costume

Homemade Little Wild Thing Baby Costume

I made this Little Wild Thing Baby costume for my son Liam for his 1st birthday party. I have never sewn anything in my life, so this entire costume was made with glue, safety pins, and velvet ribbon strings to attach pieces of fabric together. Really, I’m not joking!

Coolest Homemade Max and Where the Wild Things Are Monster Costume

Homemade Max and Where the Wild Things Are Monster Costume

This is our Homemade Max and Where the Wild Things Are Monster Costume. The Max costume started with McCalls pattern M5956. I used soft stretchable fleece material and followed the pattern with a few modifications. The ears were made with a homemade pattern and had pipecleaners sewn to the inside to make them stand up. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Max and Carol Couple Costume

Homemade Max and Carol Couple Costume

I haven’t paper mâchéd since I was probably 6 years old. But this Halloween I had a little more time in my 4th year of medical school (yes I am usually VERY left brained) and decided to put my mind to it and make our costumes inspired by the BOOK (movie was too dark and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wild Thing Halloween Costume

My five year old son, Preston, a true "WILD THING!"

This Wild Thing Halloween costume was no small task. The first thing I did was get a Simplicity pattern for a Raggedy Andy costume. I needed something that would have a different top and bottom. I bought orange and yellow fabric and cut it into strips. I then sewed the strips together to make orange … Read more