Easiest Al and Peg Bundy costume

Easiest Al and Peg Bundy costume

For Halloween in 2013 I was searching and searching for the best costumes for me and my boyfriend. The Halloween stores had nothing that I wanted and also didn’t fit into. So I decided to make our own, so I came up with the best TV characters Al &Peggy Bundy from married with children. I … Read more

Married with Children Couple Halloween Costume

Married with Children Couple Halloween Costume

I thought of this because I watched it as a kid. Everyone knows Peg and Al Buddy! Hardest part was holding that wig on my head all night, it was heavy. I won the costume contest that night, whoo hoo. I made my husband’s shirt and we had to borrow a football, haha. I was … Read more

Awesome Peg Bundy Costume

This costume was a HUGE success this Halloween!  I've always been a "Married with Children," fan, and decided to create the best Peg Bundy co

This Awesome Peg Bundy Costume was a HUGE success this Halloween!  I’ve always been a “Married with Children,” fan, and decided to create the best Peg Bundy costume I could! Peg Bundy is notorious for her hair, so my first step was finding the perfect wig. I found the most incredible wig at a wig shop … Read more

Coolest Peg Bundy Costume

Being I am a hairdresser, I often get inspired byhair for my Halloween costumes. This particular year was no different! My insiration&

Being I am a hairdresser, I often get inspired by hair for my Halloween costumes. This particular year was no different! My inspiration was my red hair (yes that’s my hair… of course I color it but it was not a wig).  I thought wow my hair could look like Peg Bundy. And BAM my costume was born! … Read more

Coolest Homemade Al and Peg Bundy Couple Costume

Homemade Al and Peg Bundy Couple Costume

My and my finance came up with this idea of a Homemade Al and Peg Bundy Couple Costume watching old re-runs of Married with Children on TV. Al’s Costume -Pants, button up, tie and jacket were bought at Goodwill store. -The nametag was made by myself with one of those clear nametag pins, and printed … Read more

Coolest Peg and Al Bundy Couple Costume

Homemade Peg and Al Bundy Couple Costume

Simple Homemade Peg and Al Bundy Couple Costume. For Al we got the shirt and tie at a thrift store for $3 total, and bought a cheap shoe horn at a shoe store. He also carried around a old remote that we had around the house, so whenever he sat down he could “assume the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Al and Peggy Bundy Halloween Couple Costume

Homemade Al and Peggy Bundy Halloween Couple Costume

Peggy- I bought a red wig and cut bangs into it. Also teased the top really big. Bought a leopard shirt with leggings and high heels. Red nail polish, pink lips, and lots of gum chewing. I had money hanging out of my bra for an added touch. Al- Business shirt with a loose tie. … Read more