Coolest Homemade Angry Birds Halloween Group Costume

Homemade Angry Birds Halloween Group Costume

I have to admit, we were struggling to come up with a creative costume idea this year. We racked and racked our brains for something current and topical, but we came up with nothing short of the cast of Twilight. We were about ready to settle on Edward, Bella, and Jacob when a marvelous opportunity … Read more

Coolest Homemade Angry Birds Couple Costume

Homemade Angry Birds Couple Costume

I spent 3 weeks in making the Homemade Angry Birds Couple Costume. From painting helmet and the Styrofoam bricks to making the background. I spent many hours contemplating how the costume would go together and be lite enough to wear for hours. It was a fun because I got to include friends (Jamie) and family … Read more

Coolest White Angry Bird Costume

Homemade White Angry Bird Costume

My daughter changed her mind at the last minute, this year, and decided she wanted a Homemade White Angry Bird Costume. In only a few hours, I was able to make her a super cute costume. I used white fleece for the majority of the costume and cheap muslin on the inside. The front is … Read more

Coolest Angry Birds Iowa Style Costume

Homemade Angry Birds Iowa Style Costume

I am the mother of 3 very energetic kids, ages 9, 7, and 4. Staying at home all day with them can get a little “routine”. However, the only time all 3 are quiet and get along, is when they are playing Angry Birds. I really don’t know what it is about that game, but … Read more

Coolest Feathered Angry Birds Couple Costumes

Homemade Feathered Angry Birds Couple Costumes

Each year the boys will “mandate” what costumes they want. So, the goes credit to them. I am only the one that brings their ideas and imagination to life. They told me that birds have feathers, so their costumes must have feathers. So, feathers it is! They wanted the red and yellow bird and they … Read more

Coolest Angry Birds Family Costume

Homemade Angry Birds Family Costume

For the red Angry Bird I bought a 5XL sweater and a 2XL for the black at the 1$ store, cut the sleeve off which then were used to make the hats, and filled them up with any type of filling and made the faces out of felt. For the yellow one I cut out … Read more