Coolest Homemade Mr. and Mrs. Pacman Costume

Homemade Mr. and Mrs. Pacman Costume

This Homemade Mr. and Mrs. Pacman Costume idea was one of my favorites and didn’t actually take too long to make. It was an assembly of a lot of cardboard and duct tape really. Although, really not busy nightclub friendly! On a good note, we never paid cover anywhere because who is really going to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pacman Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Pacman Group Halloween Costume

It was four days before the big day and Tim and I were still struggling to fit half a hula-hoop into an elbow joint of PVC that was oozing with bathroom caulk and epoxy. How were we going to make four identical Ms. Pac-man ghosts to win the group costume contest? Our vision was to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pac Man Halloween Costume

Homemade Pac Man Halloween Costume

I used to love to play Pac-Man on my Atari when I was a kid in the 1980s, so that was my Homemade Pac Man Halloween Costume this year. After looking at pictures and instructions on various web sites, including this one, I decided to use cardboard and duct tape to make my Pac-Man’s body. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pacman and Ms. Pacman Costume

Homemade Pacman and Ms. Pacman Costume

We went to Lowes and got 2 4’x8′ foam core insulation boards. Also asked for a donation of a refrigerator box for the spine. Got some yellow spray paint ( I think we went through 4 cans) and red felt. I had a scrap of black fabric at the house for the eyes. Cut your … Read more

Coolest Pacman and Blinky Costumes

Homemade Pacman and Blinky Costumes

For these homemade Pacman and Blinky costumes, I found those thin sheets of foam that come in large rolls and used that to fashion the bodies. I purchased tights, shirts and booties from discount store. Had the gloves from previous costume.

Coolest Homemade Ms. Pacman Sexy Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Ms. Pacman Sexy Halloween Costume Idea

I decided that I wanted to be the very famous Ms. Pacman for Halloween! I put lots of hard work, thought, and time into this homemade Ms. Pacman sexy Halloween costume idea. I knew from the get go how I wanted the design I just needed to find the base dress to work from. I … Read more