Coolest Homemade Beerglass Group Costume

Homemade Beerglass Group Costume

We made this homemade beerglass group costume (16x) from wire netting and newspapers glued on to it. First we made a die to put the wire netting around so it would create the shape of a scaled beerglass. Because the shape is conical the wire netting was easy to remove from the die, so we … Read more

Coolest Homemade Red Bull and Jager Couple Costume

Homemade Red Bull and Jager Costume

Our homemade Red Bull and Jager costumes were originally designed to be Wall-E and Eve, but upon making the Eve costume, we noticed that it looked more like a tall, slender can of Red Bull and the idea sparked from there! It was the highlight of the party! The costumes didn’t take as long to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Burnett’s Bottles Group Costume

Homemade Burnett's Bottles Group Costume

We all wanted to come up with a great idea for Halloween but couldn’t figure out what to do, most importantly we wanted to be original. After several options, we looked around our apartments and we thought to do a Burnett’s Bottles Group Costume, being broke college students, its all we drink on the weekends. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Popcorn and Coke Costumes

Homemade Popcorn and Coke Costumes

This costume was brought about by Tyler(popcorn). He loves the movies and wanted to be the “favorite” snack at the movies for Halloween. But popcorn could be salty, so you would need a drink, how about a coke? So the idea of Homemade Popcorn and Coke Costumes was done, now they just needed to be … Read more

Soft Drink Costume

My son wanted to be a can of pop for Halloween so we came up with “Mountain Boo”. I made the costume with two hula hoops (cut to 18″ circles), green material, foam board cut with hole for head, silver duct tape and a top hat with white foam board and red electrical tape for … Read more

Coolest Wine Costume

Regina's Working Box of Wine Costume

I was bored with having to spend a lot of money to come up with a creative costume. So after a few days of consideration, I got this amazing idea to be a box of wine for Halloween. Now, normally, everyone does the Franzia thing, so I decided to buy a box of Vella and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crush Soft Drink Group Costume

Homemade Crush Soft Drink Group Costume

My friends and I have been doing a group costume for the past few years. This year we decided on a Crush Soft Drink Group Costume. They are colorful, unique and even though they are the same idea they are individual. We all got to be our favorite flavors and our friends were blown away … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jager Bottle Costume

Homemade Jager Bottle Costume

For my homemade Jager bottle costume I took a box and cut out the arms and head area to my size so I could fit into it and wear it comfortably. Luckily my dad is a contractor and he was able to add chambers on the inside with the nozzles that actually dispensed Jager on … Read more

Coolest Hypnotiq Bottle Costume

Homemade Hypnotiq Bottle Costume

I wish I could send you pictures of “in the making” of this Homemade Hypnotiq Bottle Costume. I did have a video that has since been lost. You can scour the internet and costume shops and never find my Hypnotiq Liquor Bottle costume I hand made. It took me quite a while to think of … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hot Cocoa Halloween Costume

Homemade Hot Cocoa Halloween Costume

This is the costume we made for our daughter, it’s a homemade hot cocoa Halloween costume, it took about a week to put together. We used materials such as a hula hoop, wire ,foam, felt, foam board, glitter, glue, stuffing and bamboo sticks. It started by using the hula hoop and tied strains of wire … Read more

Soft Drink Costume

From all the free Halloween costume patterns I looked through, I finally got this idea for a costume from drinking Pepsi. I thought it would be a cute costume. I started with a cardboard box and rolled it to a can shape. I made a lid like pop top out of extra cardboard and ducked … Read more

Cool Kool Aid Man Costume

Homemade Kool Aid Man Costume

The idea for making the costume came from an obsession with drinking an access amount of Kool-Aid. I’ve been pretty crafty, so I knew the challenge of making it myself could actually be possible! I ended up hitting up a local fabric store and came across a red pattern that happened to be translucent(so no … Read more