Great Crown and Sprite Halloween Couples Costume

I wanted to dress up with my boston terrier for halloween. Her name is Lola and she pretty much goes wherever I go so I knew we had to do a couple co

I wanted to dress up with my Boston terrier for Halloween. Her name is Lola and she pretty much goes wherever I go so I knew we had to do a couple costume. I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted us to be. Then one night out I was drinking a crown and sprite … Read more

The Pop Can Clan Group Costume

The Pop Can Clan was made in 2011 by myself; Kaela. Our highschool was holding their annual Halloween Costume Fashion Show, and I wanted to make my f

The Pop Can Clan group costume was made in 2011 by myself; Kaela. Our high school was holding their annual Halloween Costume Fashion Show, and I wanted to make my friends and I something that would not only win, but be remembered by classmates and friends for being super creative and home-made! When we decided … Read more

The Sundrop Girl Who Hit Town with a Cool Halloween Costume

This was my costume last year and I\\\'m not entirely sure if I can top the excitment in 2012! Sundrop is a newer soda that tastes sort of like M

This Sundrop Girl Who Hit Town with a Cool Halloween Costume was my costume last year and I’m not entirely sure if I can top the excitement in 2012! Sundrop is a newer soda that tastes sort of like Mountain Dew and their adds introduced this amazingly silly girl dancing throughout public activities, her actions induced … Read more

Coolest Soda Pop Can Group Costume

This year, as juniors in our high school, we decided to do something special. We are a group of eleven girls and we had this idea since like summer. Every year, our school has Halloween costume contest. We decided to participate in the group category. We chose a weekend and all the girls came to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume Idea

We love to drink Four Loko when we go out so we decided to get a little loco and had a homemade Four Loko group Halloween costume idea. We used a whole bunch of duct tape, spray paint and markers to create these colorful creations.

Coolest Homemade Kool Aid Man and Kool Aid Girl Costumes

Homemade Kool Aid Man and Kool Aid Girl Costumes

For Halloween 2010 my boyfriend wanted to be Kool-Aid Man more than anything. We Googled it for months, trying to find directions, an actual Kool-Aid Man costume… ANYTHING that would help us create what we knew would be such a unique task. The internet proved to be no help. Late one night I sat straight … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mott’s Juice Box Costume

Homemade Mott's Juice Box Costume

My son loves apple juice and I take joy in making his costumes but I don’t want to pick out his costumes because I like them. I want him to like what he’s wearing, so I made him his favorite drink! He got so excited when I told him he was gonna be a Mott’s … Read more

Coolest Homemade Kool Aid Man Costume

Homemade Kool Aid Man Costume

My husband and I decided to do a Kool Aid Man Costume and a packet of kool-aid. Here’s how I made it: Kool aid man: I took a large cardboard box and put two hula hoops in it to make it a round shape- then I shaped it into the shape of a pitcher (using … Read more

Hi C Drink Box Costume

Hi C Drink Box Costume

This is my daughter Phoenix as her favorite drink. This started from studying an actual Hi C drink box then creating from a cardboard box. We spent 2 weeks on this costume it has every single detail that the regular drink box has all the way down to the bar code and expiration date. We … Read more

Coolest Homemade Red Bull Angel Costume

Homemade Red Bull Angel Costume

This Homemade Red Bull Angel Costume is probably by far my coolest Halloween costume idea. Instead of being a regular angel for Halloween I decided to spice it up a bit and be a red bull angel. The commercials have always cracked me up! I had silver heel shoes which you probably wont be able … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pepsi and Coke Couple Costume

Homemade Pepsi and Coke Couple Costume

Are you brave enough to take The Challenge?? We were sick of all the same old same old and wanted to come up with something fun and entertaining. Which is when we decided to be “The Pepsi taste challenge” I know being a can of soda has been done before but not like this. To … Read more

Coolest Kool Aid Jug Costume

Kool Aid Jug Costume

I don’t know how I came up with the idea of this Kool Aid Jug Costume, but decided I must be the Kool Aid Jug! My starting point was going to Michael’s arts and crafts to look around for supplies and start to visualize how it would all come together. From a fabric store I … Read more