Great Crown and Sprite Halloween Couples Costume

I wanted to dress up with my boston terrier for halloween. Her name is Lola and she pretty much goes wherever I go so I knew we had to do a couple co

I wanted to dress up with my Boston terrier for Halloween. Her name is Lola and she pretty much goes wherever I go so I knew we had to do a couple costume. I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted us to be. Then one night out I was drinking a crown and sprite … Read more

The Pop Can Clan Group Costume

The Pop Can Clan was made in 2011 by myself; Kaela. Our highschool was holding their annual Halloween Costume Fashion Show, and I wanted to make my f

The Pop Can Clan group costume was made in 2011 by myself; Kaela. Our high school was holding their annual Halloween Costume Fashion Show, and I wanted to make my friends and I something that would not only win, but be remembered by classmates and friends for being super creative and home-made! When we decided … Read more

The Sundrop Girl Who Hit Town with a Cool Halloween Costume

This was my costume last year and I\\\'m not entirely sure if I can top the excitment in 2012! Sundrop is a newer soda that tastes sort of like M

This Sundrop Girl Who Hit Town with a Cool Halloween Costume was my costume last year and I’m not entirely sure if I can top the excitement in 2012! Sundrop is a newer soda that tastes sort of like Mountain Dew and their adds introduced this amazingly silly girl dancing throughout public activities, her actions induced … Read more

Coolest Soda Pop Can Group Costume

This year, as juniors in our high school, we decided to do something special. We are a group of eleven girls and we had this idea since like summer. Every year, our school has Halloween costume contest. We decided to participate in the group category. We chose a weekend and all the girls came to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Soda Can Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Soda Can Group Halloween Costume

Back in July of 2010, my friends and I were talking about Halloween. We wanted to be something that everyone would remember. One of my friends came up with the idea of being different sodas (there were 5 of us). We looked at different costume sites for soda costumes, but none of them had one, … Read more

Cool Homemade Red Bull Angel Costume

Homemade Red Bull Angel Costume

I love drinking Red Bull, so why not make a costume that looks just like it?? I paired the wings with the costume because RED BULL GIVES YOU WINGS!!

Coolest Homemade Pop Can Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Pop Can Group Halloween Costume

For this homemade Pop Can group Halloween Costume we bought fabric and sewed them into tube dresses and then added silver trim to them. Each of us painted our own logo on with fabric/acrylic paint! We also made pop tab earrings and bracelets.

Coolest SunDrop Costume

Coolest SunDrop Costume

The first time I saw the Sun Drop commercial I was laughing so hard! Since all my friends were telling me that I look like the girl from the commercial because of my red hair, I decided that the SunDrop girl was going to be my Halloween costume this year. It was an exclusive costume … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pop Can Halloween Costumes

Homemade Pop Can Halloween Costumes

We sure were VIPs that night at the bar! (Very important POP!) I know lame joke but was funny at the time. My friends and I decided to go for a group costume this year. I (orange crush) sewed all the costumes and we have a few artists in the group who painted them! They … Read more

Soft Drink Costume

Thanks for the many free Halloween costume patterns on this site. We decided on this costume. Body, bought plastic/rubber trash can at Home Depot for $10(sale). I used a jig saw to cut out around the bottom and also to make holes. I made a lot of extra holes to bring the weight down. Shoulder … Read more

Coolest Popular Pop Cans Costume

Popular Pop Cans Costume

My friends and I were trying to think of group costume ideas for our high school Halloween dance, and we were drinking pop, and someone said , “HEY! let’s be pop cans!” And we did it! We made a popular pop cans costume. We picked our flavors, our fabric colors, and painted on our logos … Read more

Coolest Homemade Coca-Cola Can Costume

Homemade Coca-Cola Can Costume

For this Homemade Coca-Cola Can Costume, we went to Target and found a collapsible laundry hamper that would fit my daughter in it. We brought it home and cut an X shape in the center of the bottom. I had her try it on and we measured where the arm holes would go, and cut … Read more