Fun Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume with Jimmies!

What you will need
1- white cotton sheet or fabric (thrift store, walmart, fabric store)
2- smaller piece of colored fabric (use old colored t

This is what you will need to make your fun homemade Ice Cream Cone costume with Jimmies:  white cotton sheet or fabric (thrift store, Walmart, fabric store)  smaller piece of colored fabric (use old colored t-shirts, scrap packs from a fabric store, or small sections from fabric store rolls) white thread tan skirt (or sew your … Read more

Original Ice Cream Cone Costume

Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume

For this vanilla ice cream cone costume, we first used an old lampshade and some foam, both covered in tan colored fabric to create the ice cream cone. We then added suspenders that we looped through the lampshade, brought up over her shoulders, and criss-crossed to keep it from falling down. Next, we spread out … Read more

Coolest Homemade Italian Ice Costume

Homemade Italian Ice Costume

Ice’ is an upside down laundry basket from the dollar store, with bottom cut for head and 2 arm holes cut away. Wrapped some batting to ‘fluff’, then wrapped sparkle tulle round and round in 4 colors to make rainbow ice. Bottom is a rubber toy bin with bottom cut out. It has white vinyl … Read more

Coolest Triple Dip Ice Cream Cone and Milkshake Costumes

Coolest Triple Dip Ice Cream Cone and Milkshake Costumes

To spend Halloween at Disneyworld this year, I needed costumes that were easy to pack. I found the Triple Dip costume pattern on Better Homes & Gardens Magazine’s website. I used T-shirt knit for the scoops, 100% cotton for the sugar cone skirt and syrups, white satin ribbon for the whipped cream and sequined fabric … Read more

Coolest Ice Cream Cone Costume

Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume

The ice cream scoop that makes up the top of this Ice Cream Cone Costume started out as a round vinyl tablecover (with flannel backing). I chose light green so that it would look like mint chocolate chip. I cut a round hole in the center, just large enough to fit my head through and … Read more

Coolest Ice Cream Cones Costumes

Ice Cream Cones

These ice cream cone costumes were made through instructions on FamilyFun, a great crafting magazine. You use stuffed womens/girls stockings for the swirl of the ice cream. Glued to the bottom of that was a circle of foam as a belt, which I duct taped together and made suspenders to hold it up. The ice … Read more

Coolest Ice Cream Sandwich Halloween Child Costume Idea

Ice Cream Sandwich Halloween Child Costume Idea

My grandson wanted to be an ice cream sandwic (okay, so he is a little different). I bought 2 styrofoam rectangles and glued brown felt squares to one side of each piece of styrofoam. I inserted white thumb tacks to represent the little holes in an ice cream sandwich. I used adhesive velcro to hold … Read more

Coolest Ice Cream Halloween Costume

Homemade Ice Cream Halloween Costume

MMM. I love ice-cream, don’t you? What could be better then than becoming an ice-cream cone? Materials: -Garbage can -Candies or other brightly colored small objects -A red ball or other item that resembles a cherry -Batting -A hat to build off of Start with the garbage can. All you need is brown colored fabric … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ben and Jerry’s Banana Split Wheelchair Costume

Homemade Ben and Jerry's Banana Split Wheelchair Costume

The college where Grandma worked got all new Gateway computers and Grandma wondered if we could use the cool cow motif boxes for Halloween somehow. That got us thinking… Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. Obviously, we needed to figure something with cows … Read more

Cool Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume

Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume

I decided to make my own costume, I really wanted to be something cute and sexy, so I decided on a Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume. Everything was made by hand, and sewn. Two silk material pieces of pink and brown, we inserted elastic in them and stuffed it with tulle. The bottom was a … Read more

Ice Cream Children Costume

(This children costume is supposed to be worn by suspenders and should come to thigh height on a nine year old child but the model in the photo is only three years old so he is not tall enough to give a true view of how it will be worn). Ice Cream Sundae Materials: Lots … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume

Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume

I made this Homemade Ice Cream Cone Costume for my twins, and got rave reviews! I made the whole costume first out of free fabric I had around the house (Old sheets work well). When I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I bought fabric and made it over. $12 of supplies made two … Read more