Cool DIY Mac and Cheese Costume

CHEESIN too much!! Mac & Cheese

I turned a laundry basket, poster board and a lot of toilet paper rolls into a something good enough to eat! Hours of painting and glueing paid off when my kids saw we dressed up as their favorite food, Man & Cheese! My youngest (1st grade) lucked up and had me for his Halloween Party … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mac-N-Cheeze Costume for a Boy


My son loves Mac and cheese so he wanted to be it for Halloween. I got a laundry basket size small from the dollar tree near me. Next, I covered the basket with blue felt. then I cut out the words Mac-N-Cheeze in yellow felt and hot glued them to the basket. Then I took … Read more

Yummiest Homemade Mac and Cheese Costume

mac and cheese costume

My 4 year old son Gavin is absolutely in LOVE with Mac and cheese, and eats it every day!! I always have told him, “you eat so much Mac and cheese you’re going to turn into mac n cheese!!!” And he DID!!! In this homemade Mac and Cheese costume he helped make himself. Mac and … Read more

Delicious Homemade Mac N Cheese Costume

My son is a HUGE Mac N Cheese lover, if it was up to him he would eat it day and night. My husband and I often joke that he will turn into Mac N Cheese if he eats anymore, and voila there was our idea. The costume is made up of toilet paper rolls, … Read more

Delicious Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Costume

macaroni and cheese costume

Madi, my almost 2 yr old granddaughter and only grandchild, transformed into a macaroni and cheese costume. In my opinion homemade costumes are the best, most cost effective and most appreciated. Homemade costumes always make the best memorable moments as well. Making the Macaroni and Cheese Costume Madi loves macaroni and cheese so we decided to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Franks and Cheese Couple Costume

Coolest Homemade Franks and Cheese Couple Costume

I had so much fun making these costumes. You will have too! I wanted something simple and inexpensive for our 2014 Cub Scout Homemade Costume Contest. So began my online search for an easy, creative costume. I looked at over 100 different costumes and many websites and when I saw this costume, I knew it … Read more

Cool Mac-n-Cheese Costume for Any Age

Cool Mac-n-Cheese Costume for Any Age

So what you’re seeing here is NOT JUST a store-bought football uniform. Digging deep into my creative depths I had to use up to THREE safety pins to adjust the jersey for a slightly better fit. Reactions to the Mac-n-Cheese costume you ask? “Mommmmm, it’s still too big!” Oh wait, you probably didn’t mean the wearer’s reaction. … Read more

Coolest Homemade KD Kraft Dinner Halloween Costume

Coolest Homemade KD Kraft Dinner Halloween Costume

Kraft Dinner is awesome. So, I decided to make it my Halloween costume! I used a cardboard box that a fridge came in,  house paint, a bit of arts and crafts paint and duct tape! Beware! If you paint a costume like this… your knees will get very stiff and sore! The days I spent … Read more

Homemade Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Costume

Homemade Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Costume

This Kraft Macaroni and Cheese costume idea came from the grocery store. I’ve eaten Kraft Macaroni and Cheese since I was a kid, and I figured being the box for Halloween would be so cool. The costume itself is made out of felt with felt lettering and fun foam noodles.  The silver spoon is made from plastic … Read more

Coolest Mac ‘N Cheese Costume

I got the idea of this costume from this website. It was all-in-all a pretty easy costume to make. The most time consuming parts were spray painting

I got the idea of this  Mac ‘N Cheese costume from this website. It was all-in-all a pretty easy costume to make. The most time consuming parts were spray painting the toilet paper rolls the orangey color and blowing up/gluing the Mac n Cheese logo onto my ‘cup.’ I also felt this costume was quite inexpensive; … Read more

Cool Mac and Cheese Costume

Homemade Mac and Cheese Costume

I decided to be Easy Mac this year. I got a laundry basket at Walmart for 2 dollars and 2 blue poster boards for 98 cents. I started with the poster board and cut out the letters to put on the board. I used blue puff paint around the letters. I rolled up yellow construction … Read more

Coolest Easy Mac N Cheese Costume

Homemade Easy Mac N Cheese Costume

This is a Homemade Easy Mac N Cheese Costume that I had made. My son loves Macaroni and cheese and I love the convenience of Easy Mac n Cheese! I started with a laundry basket and cut a hole out of the bottom. Then I scanned in the Easy Mac n Cheese label. I painted … Read more