Awesome Child’s Popcorn Halloween Costume

Awesome Child's Popcorn Halloween Costume

This Halloween costume’s journey started with a moving box, duck tape and popcorn.. lots and lots of it! This is probably one of the easiest but coolest costumes to make! All you need to do is cut out a hole at the top of box, and then grab your red and white duck tape and … Read more

Cutest Little Popcorn Girl Costume for Halloween

Cutest Little Popcorn Girl Costume for Halloween

My 3yr old loves popcorn n she’s still at the age where Mama can persuade her too! :)  I’ve always wanted to make a popcorn costume, so I finally did. I made the base out of poster foam board. For a cleaner look, I cut all 4 sides out of regular poster board again n … Read more

Cute Popcorn Costume Idea

Cute Popcorn Costume Idea

This cute Popcorn costume took a little time, but I’m sure anyone can find a simpler way to make it work! I simply took an old dress I had, cut the bottom so it was jagged, and painted the dress red and white stripes all around. I attached a piece of felt that I had painted the words … Read more

Coolest Popcorn Costume Made by an 11 Year Old!

My daughter made all of the pieces to her costume this year - and I helper her glue it together with hot glue.  She used the spray insulation fo

My daughter made all of the pieces to her Popcorn costume this year – and I helped her glue it together with hot glue.  She used the spray insulation foam and sprayed blobs of it on a table covered in saran wrap (she did this outside of course!).   She waited a few days and then … Read more

Cool Theater Popcorn Costume for a Two Year Old Boy

It seems like each year my oldest son chooses a food related costume, which is always a fun project. This was my first one, and I loved seeing him in

It seems like each year my oldest son chooses a food related costume, which is always a fun project. This Theater Popcorn costume was my first one, and I loved seeing him in it just as much as he enjoyed wearing it! You’ll need: cardboard box (big enough to fit around child wearing it)wrapping paper(you … Read more

Coolest Homemade Box of Movie Popcorn Costume

Homemade Box of Movie Popcorn Costume

I love to make costumes for all 6 of my kids, as we ran through ideas, my 11 year old son picked popcorn. I try to make them with things I have on hand or can acquire free – cost of this Homemade Box of Movie Popcorn Costume – FREE! My mom pulled through with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Popcorn Adult Halloween Costume

Homemade Popcorn Adult Halloween Costume

My homemade popcorn adult Halloween costume was created using an old dress, red painters tape, spray paint and a tutu. The dress was an old, white beach cover-up. I used the red painters tape to create the stripes and the word “PoPcorn.” I bought a red child’s sized tutu and spray painted it yellow and … Read more

Cool Homemade Popcorn Costume Idea

Homemade Popcorn Costume Idea

Started looking online for some costume ideas and came across this homemade popcorn costume idea – and decided to create it myself. I started out with a plain cardboard box, cut it to fit my body and covered in red and white paper. Took packing peanuts and glued them on. After they were glued on, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Popcorn Costume Idea

Homemade Popcorn Costume Idea

My daughter wanted to be a box of POPCORN for Halloween last year. It was a great costume that got a lot of compliments, and it was not that hard to make. The body of the costume was made out of cardboard, shaped into the size of a box, and duct taped to hold its … Read more

Coolest Box of Popcorn Costume

Homemade Box of Popcorn Costume

Every year at Halloween time I ask my son what he wants to be for Halloween. This year he chose a Homemade Box of Popcorn Costume. Knowing I couldn’t go purchase one his size, I decided to make it. I made the frame out of pipe insulation from Home Depot and stiff floral wire. It’s … Read more

Coolest Girl’s Popcorn Costume

Coolest Girl's Popcorn Costume

I’d like to share with you Alexis’ Coolest Popcorn Costume, a costume we made with the help of Originally, we tried to make popcorn from foam padding, but we just couldn’t get the results we wanted. Using Coolest-Homemade-Costumes’ selection of popcorn costumes, we found that others had gotten good results using “Great Stuff”, and … Read more