Coolest Homemade Sweet Pea Costume

Homemade Sweet Pea Costume

My daughter couldn’t decide what she wanted to be this Halloween until one day I was eating peas in pasta at a restaurant and an idea came to me. I researched how to make a good Homemade Sweet Pea Costume online but I couldn’t find very much so had to come up with this costume … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pea in a Pod Costume

Homemade Pea in a Pod Costume

I got my idea for this Pea in a Pod costume from a post on but made a few minor adjustments. Supplies: • Two 4” half sphere Styrofoam balls (from the floral dept of your local craft store. These will become the “peas”). • ½ yard 1-way stretch green polyester (to cover the Styrofoam … Read more

Coolest Homemade Carrot Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Carrot Halloween Costume Idea

I really wanted to make a costume that directly incorporated my dreadlocks. After playing with them for a while, I realized that if I put them in a ponytail directly on top of my head they sort of stood up, and looked like the top of a carrot. I was afraid green hair dye wouldn’t … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baked Potato Costume

Homemade Baked Potato Costume

This Baked Potato Costume ended up being a last minute costume with very little prep. The only thing we did the night before was to sew the little “pat of butter” hat. To do that, I used leftover yellow flannel from a blanket I made. I sewed it into a quick square and stuffed it … Read more

Coolest Carrot Costume

Coolest Carrot Costume

My one daughter was a bunny, so it was fitting to make her twin sister a carrot! For this carrot costume, I got a 3T orange sweatshirt at a second-hand shop. My mother and I cut the stomach and back off of the sweatshirt and turned the cut edges under to make it neat. We … Read more

Coolest Sack of Taters Baby Costume

Homemade Sack of Taters Baby Costume

This Homemade Sack of Taters Baby Costume was fairly easy but time consuming. I took an old burlap sack (from eBay $5) and cut arm and leg holes to fit my baby. I also centered up and painted an Idaho potato logo with black paint, $2. I cut the back so that I could cinch … Read more

Coolest Homemade Chili Pepper Halloween Costume

Homemade Chili Pepper Halloween Costume

This nephew wanted to be a Jalapeno pepper, but he kept saying he wanted it in red. I finally figured out he wanted a Homemade Chili Pepper Halloween Costume, like the ones he sees at the restaurant he loves. I brazenly stole the image of the chili pepper from aforementioned restaurant’s web site. God forgive … Read more

Coolest Tomato Costume

Tomato (aka amato)

Two year-old Kadyn’s favorite food was tomatoes. When we asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween, he decided was going to be a tomato, or as he pronounced it, “an amato”. Now there was just one problem: where do you find a tomato Halloween costume? Lucky for me, my mother-in-law is quite crafty … Read more

Cool Homemade Tomato Costume for a Baby

Coolest Homemade Haloween Costume Ideas and Photos

I made a tomato costume for my baby Lucia. I used a red fabric for the hat and green fabric for the leaves. I put fabric leaves on top of the hat and around the neck. I used my baby’s red cotton babygrow for the actual tomato. The trick is to look among your child’s … Read more

Coolest Corn On The Cob Costume

Corn on the Cob!

This corn on the cob costume was easy to make, but a little time consuming. For the hat I used an old milk jug cut in half with bubble wrap painted yellow using plastic spray paint. The corn on the chest was an old sweatshirt dyed yellow with bubble wrap glue on using Allenes craft … Read more