Etch-a-Sketch Costume

Etch-a-Sketch Costume

Our family has always made our own costumes  from scratch. I always tell my kids to always “think out-of-the-box” no pun intended. This year we  got a new TV, so I decided to recycle the box and make a costume. Costume is made up an old television box painted red, with metallic paint and had … Read more

Coolest Etch-a-Sketch Costume

Fully Functional Etch-a-Sketch Costume

Each year, our family does a theme costume, and this year, we decided to be classic toys. One of my favorite toys from my childhood is the Etch a Sketch. I knew it would be easy to make a billboard / sandwich board style costume to look like the Etch a Sketch, but I wanted … Read more

Coolest Etch a Sketch Costume

Coolest Etch a Sketch Costume

My Etch a Sketch costume was inspired by the 80’s games (listen that was when games were fun and educational, lol). I searched for the right size box and used Grey plastic table cloth, and Red Masking Tape, and two paper plates. My family was the 80’s Family Games and we came in 3rd, so … Read more