Coolest Rock, Paper, Scissors Group Costume

Rock: required metalic tank and spray painted to-to.
Paper: Was a homemade sheet dress, with perminated marker to create the lines, and holes.

Rock: required metalic tank and spray painted to-to. Paper: was a homemade sheet dress, with perminated marker to create the lines, and holes. Scissors: was made from poster board and a hinge so that when the legs moved so did the scissor and was attached with a little string. It was an awesome costume for … Read more

Coolest Homemade Candyland Costume

Homemade Candyland Costume

This year I decided on a homemade CandyLand costume for Halloween. I was trying to think of something fun and originally thought either cotton candy or Twister but I kept seeing Twister costumes at the Halloween stores and wanted to be something different. So I made myself a plain white dress as a base. The … Read more

Coolest Operation Costume

Coolest Operation Costume 11

I first had the idea to make the operation costume when I was playing the game with my younger brother, I then had to think how could I make it fully functional??… I’m a carpenter by trade and decided to use a sheet of 6mm MDF to draw the outline on. I wanted the costume … Read more

Sweet Candy Land Costume

Homemade Candy Land Costume

We were all going to on a Halloween camping trip and went as a themed family. Gameboards! My 2 year old daughter was had a Candy Land Costume. Since she’s so small I cut a piece a of poster board in half, then trimmed the edges to make it a little smaller for her. Then … Read more

Coolest Sorry! Gameboard Costume

Gameboard Costume

My 6 year old son’s favorite game is Sorry, and this year he decided that was what he wanted to be for Halloween, Sorry Gameboard costume. I purchased 2 pieces of foam board and painted on to look like the gameboard and painted the other to look like the top of the box. My kids … Read more

Coolest Group Candyland Costume

Homemade  Group Candyland Costume

Every year my friends an I do the best to hand make our costumes and to do what we can to make them top the year before! Most items are found and put together to create costumes, we’ve never had to buy them which is quite the feat if I may say so! Our favorite … Read more

Coolest Monopoly Playing Cards DIY Group Costume

Monopoly Playing Cards DIY Group Costume

Being a college student, it is hard to buy a Halloween costume because of money or even come up with an original idea! A mixture of MacDonald’s Monopoly and playing Monopoly as a child inspired the idea of being part of the game for Halloween! All needed to make this cute Monopoly Playing Cards DIY … Read more

Coolest Operation Game Costume

Coolest Operation Game Costume

This is my Operation Game costume. It was so fun to make. All the pieces are removable and interactive. I had such a good time bringing it to work and showing all my peers. I work in an environment where everyone gets crazy with their costumes and this year I went all out. First I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Candy Land Costume

Homemade Candy Land Costume

I love Halloween. Although other people may be able to pull off costumes that are seen and done on a yearly basis, I like to go away from the norm and have an original costume. Every year I pride myself with coming up with a new and fun idea for a costume. This year I … Read more

Coolest Monopoly Board Game Costume

Coolest Monopoly Board Game Costume

Well, last year I made an Ipod for my son. It ended being a “real working” Ipod if you will with music and a back-lit screen. He and everyone else thought it was the coolest costume ever so the bar was raised for this year! As we were thinking of ideas we thought of board … Read more

Cool Mr. Monopoly Costume

Homemade Mr. Monopoly Costume

Mr. Monopoly Costume, EASY and genius! A black pair of trousers, blazer and waistcoat were bought from the Thrift store. The white shirt was ours. A black plastic hat $1. A Monopoly board was also bought from the Thrift store, the pieces were hot glued on as though there was a game in process. A … Read more