LEGO Minifig Raiden Costume from Mortal Kombat

LEGO Minifig Raiden Costume from Mortal Kombat

My Girlfriend wanted to dress up as Mortal Kombat characters, and I wanted to be a Lego figure. I compromised, and made a 7′ tall Lego Raiden character. I wore it to a part where I met about 25 of her friends for the first time. I was so nervous, but I walked in, the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Prisoner and Policeman LEGO Minifigure Costumes

Coolest Homemade Prisoner and Policeman LEGO Minifigure Costumes

We go to an outdoor adult Halloween party every year, so dressing warmly is always at the base of our costume ideas.  We’ve won the costume contest at the party several times, so we always feel the pressure to create some amazing oufits!  Since our 8-year old son is addicted to LEGOs, it was an … Read more

Cool Homemade Lego Lady Costume

Cool Homemade Lego Lady Costume

I’m one of those dads who love to make costumes for my kids.  As soon as Halloween is over, I start dreaming up what my next project/costume will be.  My 4 kids are growing up and not all of them really want a costume anymore.  So when my daughter’s friend (a senior in high school) … Read more

Not-So-Mini Lego Minifigure Homemade Halloween Costume

Not-So-Mini Lego Minifigure Homemade Halloween Costume

My 9 year old son, Jet, recently developed a love for Lego, and we were trying to come up with a costume that reflects his current interest (a goal every year).  He was considering between Iron Man (but he didn’t want to look like everyone else, and I didn’t want to spend $40.00), Nerf guy … Read more

Awesome Homemade Lego Minifigure Couple Costume

Awesome Homemade Lego Minifigure Couple Costume

I originally got this idea just off the internet and obviously thought it would be far easier to make than it actually was. Most of our costumes were made using using old cardboard boxes that I got from Wal-mart and string. Using a huge cylinder I bought from home depot, I cut each one with … Read more

Award-Winning Kids Homemade Lego Costume

My 8-year son has been obsessed with Legos for the past 3-4 years.  So when I asked him what he wants to be for Halloween he said "A Lego Man"

My 8-year son has been obsessed with Legos for the past 3-4 years.  So when I asked him what he wants to be for Halloween he said “A Lego Man”.  I went and Googled “how to make a Lego costume” and several helpful links came up.  Our costume is a combination of ideas that we … Read more

Coolest Lego Boy Halloween Costume

Cardboard Boxes, Yellow and Blue Spray Paint, Plastic Bucket from WalMart and Tuna Can
The hardest part of this costume was getting the head ri

Cardboard Boxes, Yellow and Blue Spray Paint, Plastic Bucket from WalMart and Tuna Can is all you need for this Lego Boy Halloween costume. The hardest part of this costume was getting the head right with the plastic bucket.  I used Pringle cans to give the head a curved shape near the neck. Model spray paint … Read more

Easy and Inexpensive Lego Munchkins Costumes

Every year we try to create a fun sibbling costume. This year I wanted to hit it out of the park by doing something fun, unique and crafty. The kids

Every year we try to create a fun sibling costume. This year I wanted to hit it out of the park by doing something fun, unique and crafty. The kids had many ideas and finally we all landed on Lego people. In the end the Lego Munchkins Costumes were very economical and able to be used … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lego Guy Costume

Homemade Lego Guy Costume

My husband hates dressing up for Halloween. But we were invited to a work party, which got canceled towards the end of this project. He got put in charge of finding alternative opportunities to wear these costumes. He loves his old Legos and I thought he would get excited about being one. I was right, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lego Boy Unique Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Lego Boy Unique Halloween Costume Idea

This Homemade Lego Boy Unique Halloween Costume Idea was not to hard to do. The body and legs are made from cardboard boxes held together with duct tape and glue. The head is made of 2 plastic candy dishes bonded together, wrapped in yellow duct tape. The hands are made from Paper towel roll and … Read more

Coolest DIY Lego Minifig Boy Halloween Costume

DIY Lego Minifig Boy Halloween Costume

Well, my son is 9 years old and completely obsessed with Lego. Everything in his life all comes back to Lego, that is all he talks about… so when he told me he wanted to be a Lego mini figure for Halloween I wasn’t surprised. We looked online and saw a few ways to make … Read more

Coolest Lego Halloween Costume

Lego Halloween Costume

My boys are extreme Lego enthusiasts. Since there are no minifigure costumes available commercially, I made one by trial and error. The head portion of the Lego Halloween costume was made by cutting sheet Styrofoam for the top and bottom sections and connecting them with a cylinder of poster board. I paper mached over the … Read more