Transform yourself into Bumblebee and watch how jaws drop when Robots – Transform! Whether you are young or old, you’ll find loads of Bumblebee costume ideas and DIY Halloween costume inspiration.
Latest Bumblebee Costume Ideas
- Awesome Transformers Costumes That Actually Transform!My 10 year old son is a huge Transformers fan, and he asked me if he could be a Transformer … Read more
- Coolest Homemade Family Costume 1980’s Movie CharactersIndiana Jones Hat, lasso, treat bag, explorer shirt – check (these are all items that can be purchased at any … Read more
- Cool DIY Bumblebee Transformer CostumeThis was my son’s Bumblebee Transformer costume last year. I told you our story in our other costume submission. This … Read more
- Coolest Homemade Bumblebee Transformer CostumeMore than meets the eye! – that’s what I wanted to be this Halloween. This year I decided to make … Read more
- The Amazing 10′ Bumblebee Costume!This is a 10 foot bumblebee transformer costume that took me about one and a half years to finish. I … Read more
- Awesome Homemade Transfomer CostumeI’m sure you saw that video a few years back of a Bumblebee homemade Transformer costume that actually transformed. Like … Read more
- Coolest Bumblebee Transformer CostumeMy son is on the Autistic Spectrum and gets consumed by certain subjects, characters, objects and movies. He watched Transformers … Read more
- Transforming Bumblebee CostumeOur 8 year old son announce in August that dad and i needed to make a transformer bumble bee costume … Read more
- Transforming Transformers Bumble Bee CostumeMy grandson had enjoyed the two previous years of costumes that I had made and asked me for a Transformers … Read more
- Cool Transforming Bumblebee Transformer Camaro CostumeMy daughter Natalie is 6 years old and wanted to be a transformer for Halloween, Being she is tall and … Read more
- Transforming Bumblebee Camaro CostumeThe Transformers Bumblebee Costume is my son Nicholas Walters and he is 6 years old, he couldn’t decide what he … Read more
- Cool Transformers Bumblebee Costume for a BoyThis year my son asked me to make a costume from the movie TRANSFORMERS… BUMBLEBEE. I put the costume together … Read more
Featured Bumblebee Costumes
Bumblebee Costume Created by John W. from Mesa, AZ

For this Bumblebee Costume we used minimal materials. The following were materials we purchased that can be found at Wal-Mart. Two foam camping bed rolls, black sweats and bike helmet. The following tools were necessary to complete the project: hot knife from a craft store, low temp hot glue gun (or one with adjustable temperature). The following materials were useful but not necessary: -Polyurethane Coating (Modge Podge would work similarly), iron on heat and press material.
We traced the child that would wear the Halloween costume onto a piece of butcher paper. Then I used that to scale the pieces again. (We actually had access to a large printer so we printed this out but initially we traced him onto the butcher paper). We simplified the detailed pieces from the original character and tried to keep the pieces that have heavy emphasis. Each piece was cut and hot glued in place. the knife makes it easy to trim corners off which gives everything a pretty rounded appearance. Be sure to use a low temp hot glue gun. It will hold the material but the high temp just melts it all away.
Once you have all the pieces cut and glued into place add flanges to the arm and leg guards so they can wrap around the legs and arms. These can then be tied with string or ribbon. We used Velcro. The ‘shiny’ parts that need to appear glossy were coated with a polyurethane coating. We used a pretty tough industrial coating we had laying around. But several coats of a thinner (but flexible!) coating should work just as well or better.
Then the Halloween costume is spray painted, yes spray painted! Surprisingly it didn’t eat the foam! Details can be added in with a small paintbrush or we used our airbrush. Then a sharpie or felt tip pen is great for adding detail in the face. The foam can be glued directly to the helmet and you can even blend it pretty well to match some of the curves on the helmet.
Awesome Bumblebee Costume
Bumblebee Costume Created by Brando B. from San Francisco, CA
The idea for this Bumblebee Costume started as a huge fan of the Transformers series and a bigger fan of well done on-screen special effects. This character is one to admire as well as a challenge to duplicate. The entire costume is hand cut from cardboard. It was broken down to six main pieces, the front torso, back torso, left forearm, right forearm, left leg and finally the right leg.

Once the cardboard was cut and assembled to my liking every inch had to be covered in duct tape. This provides a lightweight but durable ‘skin’ and also gives the surface something to paint onto. Once each piece was cut, assembled and taped, it was time to assemble each piece using luggage replacement straps.
The tires are lawn mower tires bolted in to a simple wooden skeleton under the foot pieces. The costume was then painted and detailed with war wounds and dirt. The headlights do function turning on and off at the touch. They are battery powered closet lights found at any drug store. That is about it to make this Halloween costume.
Total Spent: $50
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