Work of Love Optimus Prime Costume

Work of Love Optimus Prime Costume

I made this Optimus Prime costume in 20 hrs over 25 days out of cardboard, foam board, duct tape, hot glue, rubber and plastic – and lots and lots of spray paint! I put blood (literally), sweat, and a little tears into this project. Everyone thought I was crazy when I started but when it … Read more

Battle Scarred Optimus Prime Costume for a Boy

Battle Scarred Optimus Prime Costume for a Boy

My son, Cameron (6) is obsessed with transformers, and he decided he wanted to be Optimus Prime this year. We started collecting boxes, toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, etc. a few months ago. Originally, he wanted to look like the new modern Optimus Prime, but thankfully he decided on the classic Prime, from the … Read more

Cool Transforming Transformer Costume

Cool Transforming Transformer Costume

My 7 year old son wanted to be Optimus Prime this year, and I embraced the challenge! We used cardboard boxes and made several trips back to the store for “just one more roll” of duct tape. Coffee can lids make up the wheels, and square tissue boxes fit his legs perfectly. Flashlights from the … Read more

Awesome Transforming Optimus Prime Costume

Awesome Transforming Optimus Prime Costume

My son is absolutely obsessed with Transformers and he wanted more than anything to be Optimus Prime (the leader of the autobots). he also wanted his costume to be able to transform. I told him that i didn’t think they made costumes like that. He insisted that I make him one. Not wanting to disappoint … Read more

Cardboard Box Optimus Prime Transformer Costume

Cardboard Box Optimus Prime Transformer Costume

My son Danial loves transformers. I’m mean really loves transformers! Especially Optimus prime. So this year I decided to make his costume. I found a homemade Optimus Prime costume on Pinterest but it looked complicated. It took this guy 3 months to make. Don’t get me wrong, it looked amazing but just too complicated for … Read more

Awesome G1 Optimus Prime Costume from Recycled Materials

Awesome G1 Optimus Prime Costume from Recycled Materials

From an early age, I was a fan of Generation 1 Transformers and was fascinated by them. Therefore, when I had the opportunity and the know-how, I decided to create my own life-sized transformer costume. I chose to model my costume after Optimus Prime, as the most recognizable character and to stick to the Gen … Read more

Coolest Optimus Prime Transformer Homemade Halloween Costume

My son loved Transformers, especially Optimus Prime!  So, we decided to attempt making Optimus Prime.   My wife used numerous boxes, paper

My son loved Transformers, especially Optimus Prime!  So, we decided to attempt making an Optimus Prime Transformer homemade Halloween costume.   My wife used numerous boxes, paper towel rolls, spray paint, an old hard hat, LED touch lights, duct tape, patience and tons of hot glue to hold it all together.  This costume took about … Read more

Creative Transformers Costume

Creative Transformers Costume

I could not say no to my son Dylan when he wanted to be a Transforming Optimus Prime for Halloween. We made this creative Transformers costume from scratch. Deciding what materials to use as we went along. To make this costume we used boxes, paper towel tubes, tires from an firetruck toy, spray paint, paint, … Read more

Cool Little Optimus Prime Homemade Halloween Costume

My 5 year old nephew is nutso crazy about the transformers! I kinda hafta add that i too love them dearly (heh). I've made his costume one time befo

My 5 year old nephew is nutso crazy about the transformers! I kinda have to add that I too love them dearly (heh). I’ve made his costume one time before when he wanted to be Thomas the tank engine and I HAD to deliver again this year! Based more on the classic cartoon version. I wish I … Read more

Original Transforming Optimus Prime Costume

My son wanted to be Optimus Prime. Don't they all!?! Anyway...We started by finding a Powerwheels truck body and refiguring it. We cut the nose (f

My son wanted a Transforming Optimus Prime costume. Don’t they all!?! Anyway… We started by finding a Powerwheels truck body and re-figuring it. We cut the nose (fenders and hood) from the body (cab) and the bed, then reattached them all so that they hinged. Basically, my son stood inside the cab, which sat on … Read more

Coolest Optimus Prime the Cartoon Version Homemade Costume

Optimus Prime the Cartoon Version Homemade Costume

I made this Optimus Prime the Cartoon Version Homemade Costume mostly out of wood and cardboard, but it is much too heavy. I would recommend the use of Styrofoam next time. I made my boots out of wood on platforms with weights in them to make a rattling sound when I walk. Then I glued … Read more

Coolest Transformers Optimus Prime Costume

Homemade Transformers Optimus Prime Costume

I made this Homemade Transformers Optimus Prime Costume with nothing but beer boxes, beer cans, and hot glue. I looked at a picture of Optimus Prime to make the helmet and get the wings on the helmet to the correct angle. I won best costume at a Halloween party for the first time in my … Read more