Coolest Homemade Swine Flu Group Costume

Swine, Vaccine Shot & CDC person

I’ve been making my kids’ costumes every year since my older son was born. It has become one of my hobbies now. As we were thinking about the ideas for Halloween this year, I wanted my younger son to dress up as an animal or something cute because I think little toddlers are so cute … Read more

Coolest Homemade Swine Flu Couple Costume

Homemade Swine Flu Couple Costume

My wife and I were going to a party at our apartment complex and we wanted to have a “couples costume” but due to budget constraints, we didn’t want to spend a lot of money. I found the “pig” glasses and instantly thought of a Homemade Swine Flu Couple Costume and how to visualize a … Read more

Coolest Homemade H1N1 Swine Flu Costume

Homemade H1N1 Swine Flu Costume

I am a pig, but a sick pig. My shirt says Viva La Mexico with a nice Mexican flag attached. My back said H1N1. I have a pig mask and hoofs for hands. I also have hoofs for feet. I have an ice pack on my head, tissues everywhere, and Tylenol attached to my shirt. … Read more

Coolest Swine Flu and Bird Flu Couple Costume

Coolest Swine Flu and Bird Flu Couple Costume

We decided to be the H1N1 virus (said to have begun in Mexico) and the SARS virus (said to have begun in Asia) for Halloween! For the Mexican swine flu, Kevin found an old blanket at a flee market which he cut a hole in to wear as a poncho, a hat donated from a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Swine Flu and Avian Flu Couple Costumes

Homemade Swine Flu and Avian Flu Couple Costumes

We decided that we would dress as flus because the flu season is on the way. We asked a friend who is a nurse in the hospital to bring us hospital pajamas, masks and huge syringes (we drank “shots” from the syringes at the costume party). I made the hats from empty detergent bottles adding … Read more

Cool Homemade Swine Flu Costume

Homemade Swine Flu Costume

This Swine Flu Costume was really easy to make. My friend Lindsey and I bought pink shirts as well as iron on paper at Hobby Lobby. We then printed H1 and N1 using the iron on paper, cut them out and ironed them to the middle of our shirts. We found pink wings from a … Read more

Original Homemade Swine Flu Costume

Homemade Swine Flu Costume

My son, Jed always wants to be something funny for Halloween. Last year he was a fat plumber with a plunger, rubber gloves and poop all over his shirt and face. It was really chocolate pudding. This year I had to outdo myself and so I thought it would be funny and scary at the … Read more

Awesome Homemade Swine Flu Costume

Homemade Swine Flu Costume

Everyone in the family was sick. There were memos flying around work about being extra cautions and washing your hands and I thought it would be great to come in to our company Halloween Party and spread the Swine Flu. Only problem is, I’m a dude and I can’t sew! So my wife put this … Read more

Coolest Homemade Swine Flu Costume

Homemade Swine Flu Costume

During my first year (2009) in grad. school at Radford University, I decided that since the swine flu has been such a scare, that it would make a great “scary” Halloween costume! Unfortunately only one picture was taken that night, and you can’t clearly see “H1N1” on the shirt. I had fun pretending to sneeze, … Read more