Coolest Crayola Costume

Homemade Crayola Costume

We made this Homemade Crayola Costume for our daughter. We used a television box, paints and 99 cent store crayola piggy banks for the crayons. We added some pictures. My daughter won first prize at one party and many people loved her costume! Of note…we had her arms on top because the box was to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayon Group Costume

Homemade Crayon Costume

We actually got this idea from this site but it’s always helpful to have more pictures to guide you in the costume making process. We basically bought some fabric and (since none of us can sew) super-glued Velcro on to the back to make tube top dresses and then cut out the logo and the … Read more

Coolest Crayola Crayon Box Costume

Coolest Crayola Crayon Box Costume - Front of the Crayola Box

My little sister wanted to be a box of Crayola crayons for Halloween but the challenge was making the costume something that was realistic yet light and maneuverable; I didn’t want her wearing a stiff cardboard box. To do that, I bought four pieces of yellow poster board (22 x 28 inches) to create the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayola Crayons Costume

Homemade Crayola Crayons Costume

On the 19th of September 2008 a group of friends wore the homemade Crayola crayons costumes to a 21st fancy dress birthday party! Our crayons now have the number one group for ‘Crayola Crayons costumes’ on Facebook, with messages regularly asking ‘how can we make one ourselves!’ The Crayons featured are: Orange – Robert Whyte. … Read more