Coolest Homemade Crayola Crayons Costumes

Homemade Crayola Crayons Costumes

These Homemade Crayola Crayons Costumes were very inexpensive but fun, cute and easy costumes to create! We went to a local fabric store and bought about a yard each of whichever color we wanted to be and about two yards of black felt just to be safe. We then took each color felt and sewed … Read more

Coolest Crayola Crayon Box Costume

Coolest Crayola Crayon Box Costume - Front of the Crayola Box

My little sister wanted to be a box of Crayola crayons for Halloween but the challenge was making the costume something that was realistic yet light and maneuverable; I didn’t want her wearing a stiff cardboard box. To do that, I bought four pieces of yellow poster board (22 x 28 inches) to create the … Read more

Coolest DIY Crayola Crayon Costume

Homemade Crayola Crayon Costume

My daughter told me last Spring that when Halloween comes around, she wants to be a crayon. A crayon? Yes a Crayola crayon. With some thought, a plan, and lots of school glue, her Homemade Crayola Crayon Costume is a reality. About 8 sheets of lime green bristol board from the dollar store, a bottle … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayola Crayons Costume

Homemade Crayola Crayons Costume

On the 19th of September 2008 a group of friends wore the homemade Crayola crayons costumes to a 21st fancy dress birthday party! Our crayons now have the number one group for ‘Crayola Crayons costumes’ on Facebook, with messages regularly asking ‘how can we make one ourselves!’ The Crayons featured are: Orange – Robert Whyte. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayon Costume Ideas

Homemade Crayon Costume Ideas

These Crayon Costume Ideas we did last year based on this website. We did it one day before the party, so its very easy. We basically bought some fabric and cut in to tube top dresses and then cut out the logo and the squiggles at the top from black felt, also, we did the … Read more

Coolest Crayola Crayon Costume

Homemade Crayola  Crayon Costume

The shoes were cheap £6 white plimsoles. Leggings were plain black. The sheet that was wrapped around was also plain white polyester. This fabric didn’t absorb the dye very well but I thought that added to the Crayola Crayon Costume. The pattern on the sheets was done by spray painting stencils onto the sheet. It … Read more

Best Ever Crayola Crayons and their Box Costume

Crayola Crayons and their Box Costume

We made the girls these homemade crayola crayons and their box costume with felt, black paint metal clothes hangers, and party hats. The box we painted and Velcroed in the back so they could come out of it. These costumes took us a few days to do, especially the paint part!!! We were very proud … Read more

Coolest Homemade Highlighter Costume

Homemade Highlighter Costume

For Halloween me and my mom made a Highlighter Costume for me. We took a laundry bag and cut out the bottom so my legs could fit through, then we spray painted it neon yellow. Later, I sewed on some handles which I found in my basement, which I also spray painted neon yellow. Then … Read more

Coolest Tool Box Costume

Homemade Snap-On Tool Box Costume

This tool box costume idea came to me because at the time I worked in a repair shop. I used two computer boxes as a start, but any durable box would do. They are attached using zip-ties. I cut out the holes for the drawers, arms, head, and the entire bottom for walking. I fashioned … Read more

Coolest Crayola Crayons Halloween Costumes

Homemade Crayola Crayons Halloween Costumes

My daughters and their friends wanted to wear costumes that went together so we all came up the idea of them being different colored crayons. For their Crayola Crayons Halloween Costumes they each picked out a different colored felt for their crayon. I cut a tall thin rectangle out of each color long enough to … Read more

Coolest Crayon Set Group Costume

Homemade Crayon Set Group Costume

The four of us decided we wanted to do a group costume so we thought of making ourselves into crayons. We got the idea of using duct tape for this Crayon Set Group Costume from one of our friends so we made our dresses out of different color duct tapes. We put garbage bags under … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayola Box Halloween Costumes

Homemade Crayola Box Halloween Costumes

This year I decided to do something different. So I decided to make individual Crayola Box Halloween Costumes. I used boxes that were big enough to fit over the boys shoulders. Then I found the poster boards from Micheals and Hobby Lobby. I used felt and construction paper to wrap around small cups to make … Read more