Coolest Homemade iPod Costume

Homemade iPod Costume

My costume “The IPOD!” is a very technical costume. I am sorry it is backwards as it was taken in the mirror. The “headphones” play REAL music because I hooked them up to speakers inside of them. I took a medium/small box, cut holes for my arms and head and left the bottom open for … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPod Couple Costume

Homemade iPod Couple Costume

This Homemade iPod Couple Costume is actually from a few years ago, but we still get compliments on it. We made them out of foam rubber, folded in half and stitched up the sides and cut out a hole in the top for our heads. I designed the front and backs of the iPods in … Read more

Coolest iPhone FaceTime Couple Costume

Coolest iPhone FaceTime Couple Costume

Never lose sight of each other on a crazy Halloween Night! Really easy, last minute, cheap, iPhone FaceTime Couple Costume! All you need is: 1. Black cardboard 2. Printer – To print buttons/pictures 3. Pictures of yourselves (taken by the iphone, of course) 4. Scissors and Glue 5. Steve Job’s Inspiration Steps: 1. Cut Iphone … Read more

Coolest Homemade Working iPhone Costumes

Homemade Working iPhone Costumes

TAMPA, FLA., Reko Rivera (Right) John Savio (Left)World’s first ” Homemade Working iPhone Costumes” created by Reko Rivera and John Savio. Specifications are 42″ Display, 1.5 Hours of Battery Life, 85 lb and the “real” iPhone can charge connected to the USB on the display. The two costumes have 3 batteries each with a total … Read more

Coolest iPhone 4 Facetime Costume

Homemade iPhone 4 Facetime Costume

This is what you need to make a Homemade iPhone 4 Facetime Costume: 5 Large Flat Pieces of Cardboard Plenty of Elmer’s Glue A lot of Masking Tape (about 3 rolls) 12 feet of Quarter-Round Moulding (for framing) Small Screws and Washers 2-3 Cans of Glossy Black Spray Paint 1 Can of Metallic Silver Spray … Read more

Coolest Homemade Sexy Ipod Costume

Homemade Sexy Ipod Costume

For this Homemade Sexy Ipod Costume for my daughter (who loves her Ipod more than anything), I sewed a form-fitting black satin mini dress. Then I designed the Ipod screen on my computer (complete with the song “Give it To Me” by Timbaland, per her request) and printed it off on iron-on transfer paper. I … Read more

Coolest iPhone and Headphone Couple Costume

Homemade iPhone and Headphone Couple Costume

REAL WORKING Homemade iPhone and Headphone Couple Costume!! Complete with speaker that played music from the face mask. Made from 3 pieces of 4″ thick foam glued together and then sculpted with an electric turkey shaver. Foam was then covered with duct tape for strength and then painted white. Exactly a 1:30 ratio replica of … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPod Shadow Dancers Costumes

Homemade iPod Shadow Dancers Costumes

These are really homemade iPod Shadow Dancers costumes! The costumes consisted of poster board, face paint, iPods and rhythm! We had so much fun with this. It appears an easy task but it took a while to make. Oh, by the way, the poster board is being held on by shoulder straps, which pass through … Read more

Coolest iPod Group Costume

Homemade iPod Group Costume

For Halloween, we really wanted to do homemade costumes with which we could have a larger group wear. We knew we would be going to one of the biggest parties on campus, and needed to think of something creative and fun, yet functional. After hours of brainstorming, we spotted our idea- iPods! To make them, … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPod and Earbuds Costume

Homemade iPod and Earbuds Costume

If your little one is a music fan, or is used to seeing you attached to your iPod, you may want to re-consider throwing away the box when your next package arrives. With a little paint, minimal artistic talent and a few supplies you will find around your home, you can easily create a Homemade … Read more

Coolest iPhone Costume

Homemade iPhone Costume

The whole point of my Homemade iPhone Costume is to look awesome but still be able to wear it all year round. All it is is a T-Shirt with other clothing I wear on a daily basis and it’s easy and gets great feedback! How I made it: -Get a plain black T-Shirt and some … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPod Costumes

Homemade iPod Costumes

This was definitely the best Halloween ever! I made these Homemade iPod Costumes for me and my boyfriend because I wanted it to be something original! In the end we WON the costume contest as the Funniest Costume! We had so much fun, because that’s something that nobody would expect us to wear. Hope you … Read more