Coolest Old-Fashioned iPod Costume

This Old-Fashioned iPod costume was so much fun to build and especially wear. It was definitely a crowd pleaser and I got so many compliments through

This Old-Fashioned iPod costume was so much fun to build and especially wear. It was definitely a crowd pleaser and I got so many compliments throughout the night. It also didn’t cost me much at all to make! (I used random supplies lying around my apartment.) What You Need: Medium Sized Box 2 Black Jumbo … Read more

Coolest Sexy iPod Costumes for a Night Out at the University

My friends and i made these costumes for a night out at university and they attract alot of attention!!
Be prepared for a lot of photos because ever

My friends and I made these Sexy iPod Costumes for a Night Out at the University and they attract a lot of attention!! Be prepared for a lot of photos because everyone will want a picture… WHAT YOU NEED: -White Boob Tube – Fabric Dye (or you could by a boob tube in the color already!) … Read more

Coolest iPod Costumes

These costumes were pretty easy just needed a good printer and boxes. For added touches add some speakers inside and a really Ipod so they can have s

These iPod costumes were pretty easy just needed a good printer and boxes. For added touches add some speakers inside and a real Ipod so they can have some music playing. All I had to do with these is get some boxes and spray paint them,add on the printed papers that I downloaded of the … Read more

Coolest iPod Jack Costume

Please help, I promised my son I would submit his costume for your contest. I was waiting for some better pictures from my father in law but he kept forgetting and when I didn’t get them last night I forgot to submit even one picture. I’m feeling like the worst mother ever, since he was … Read more

Calculator Costume

Calculator Costume

My son loves calculators and when Halloween was coming up a few years ago we told him he could be anything he wanted to be. Of course he wanted to be a calculator. I knew it would take a little work but it wasn’t so difficult. We used a box and cut it down to … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPhone Commercial Remix Costume

Homemade iPhone Commercial Remix Costume

This year I decided to go with that old iPod Commercial where the people are blacked out and dancing with a lot of energy. The commercial also consisted of a colorful background and, of course, an iPod with white earphones. I gave it a little twist, though; I replaced the old iPod with an iPhone. … Read more

iPod costume

I was always told that if you make your own Halloween costumes it is always much more fun than buying one ready made so I got the idea to do an Ipod shadow commercial by watching a commercial during one of my regular television shows. I saw the commercial and decided that’s what I wanted … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPod Couple Costume

Homemade iPod Couple Costume

This Homemade iPod Couple Costume is actually from a few years ago, but we still get compliments on it. We made them out of foam rubber, folded in half and stitched up the sides and cut out a hole in the top for our heads. I designed the front and backs of the iPods in … Read more

Coolest Sexy iPhone Costume

Homemade Sexy iPhone Costume

This Homemade Sexy iPhone Costume was made for the Halloween right after the iPhone came out…so everyone was obsessed with the fact that I HAD an iPhone. So what better than to acknowledge it even more and BE an iPhone! To make the body I just sewed a piece of black fabric to a piece … Read more

Coolest Homemade Working iPhone Costumes

Homemade Working iPhone Costumes

TAMPA, FLA., Reko Rivera (Right) John Savio (Left)World’s first ” Homemade Working iPhone Costumes” created by Reko Rivera and John Savio. Specifications are 42″ Display, 1.5 Hours of Battery Life, 85 lb and the “real” iPhone can charge connected to the USB on the display. The two costumes have 3 batteries each with a total … Read more

Coolest iPod Earbuds Costumes

Right and Left, standing on the wrong sides!

This year, my boyfriend and I went as iPod earbud headphones. We were connected by a cable and even played music out of a portable speaker mounted inside, so we were really authentic. We were a hit everywhere we went, because we were able to provide music to people standing in line at the bar … Read more

Coolest Homemade Sexy Ipod Costume

Homemade Sexy Ipod Costume

For this Homemade Sexy Ipod Costume for my daughter (who loves her Ipod more than anything), I sewed a form-fitting black satin mini dress. Then I designed the Ipod screen on my computer (complete with the song “Give it To Me” by Timbaland, per her request) and printed it off on iron-on transfer paper. I … Read more