Homemade Medusa Costume

I was thinking of a Halloween costume to wear to work. My husband and I just watched Clash of the Titan’s on the TV when I thought of a Medusa costume. I have to be original and crafty because this is the type of person I am. At first we were just going to get … Read more

Coolest Do it Yourself Medusa Halloween Costume

Do it Yourself Medusa Halloween Costume

I am MEDUSA in this picture. This do it yourself Medusa Halloween costume took me about 6 1/2 hours total to do. I have colored viper contacts in my eyes and have my body covered in green latex with a fabric called “tool” underneath it to give it that scaley effect of a snake. My … Read more

Coolest Homemade Medusa Halloween Costume

Homemade Medusa Halloween Costume

This Homemade Medusa Halloween Costume was crafted from a foam construction hat and a sheet of foam felt. The snakes were added one by one with gorilla glue. Each was pinned in place until the glue dried. Small snakes were hot glued to the tiara. Headpiece was primed with white spray paint. The tiara was … Read more

Coolest Homemade Medusa Unique Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Medusa Unique Halloween Costume Idea

For Halloween my daughter wanted something “different,” “kinda freaky but not too scary.” SO we went through the list of costumes in this realm, the Grim Reaper, Zombie, Mummy, … Medusa. “Yes that’s it, we had a Homemade Medusa Unique Halloween Costume Idea.” We embarked upon a mission to buy something Grecian goddess-like but couldn’t … Read more

Handmade Medusa Costume

Homemade Medusa Costume

This year I decided to be Medusa, the Greek Goddess from Greek Mythology. I did not want to use the store bought costume. They all look too much the same and not unique enough, so I made my own Homemade Medusa Costume. I found material that looked like reptile skin. It was dark green with … Read more

Cool Homemade Medusa Costume for a Girl

Coolest Homemade Medusa Costume 12

My daughter was Medusa. I got a black dress from a previous Halloween costume. We bought some snake-type jewelery. I used a lot of thick black eyeliner for her eyes to make them really pop. Then I used green and gold eyeshadow with a lot of glitter. Her lips were purple glitter (it looked really … Read more

Coolest Homemade Medusa Adult Halloween Costume

Homemade Medusa Adult Halloween Costume

My costume is totally cobbled together by me. I decided to be Medusa and so set out to get all the necessary pieces. First, I purchased a black, curly wig, and a BOATLOAD of snakes from a party store. I used tiny rubber-bands to interweave the snakes into the wig. Then I went to the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Golden Medusa Halloween Costume

Homemade Golden Medusa Halloween Costume

Who knew a baseball cap could turn into this?! I honestly didn’t know exactly how this whole Homemade Golden Medusa Halloween Costume was going to turn out in the end, but I knew I wanted it to be extravagant to say the least! Items used: Foam Cotton stuffing Electrical Wire Green and purple iridescent fabric … Read more

Cool Homemade Medusa Costume

Homemade Medusa Costume

Halloween is my FAVOURITE holiday!! I like to try being something scary or recognizable. Last year (2009) I decided to create a homemade Medusa costume. I started with about 30 rubber snakes that I purchased at Zellers. Then I went and found a gold snake arm band and necklace, some gold gladiator type gold sandals … Read more

Coolest Homemade Medusa Costume

Homemade Medusa Costume

This Medusa Costume was a bit challenging to make, but I was very pleased with the outcome. I fortunately had the gold dress already, so I purchased the gold thong shoes to match. That was the easy part. The Heard Parts: The head dress/snakes: I bought two fleece blankets, one brown and one green. Began … Read more

Coolest Medusa Costume

Homemade Medusa Costume

I decided to be Medusa sometime around June (yes I start planning that early). I knew I wanted a full head of snakes, not just a few intertwined in my hair. If the “hair” wasn’t right, the costume would have failed. It took a lot of patience and ingenuity, but I finally figured out a … Read more