Immortals Spartan Gods Group Costume

This New Years Eve a group of my friends wanted to go out as the Spartan Gods from the film Immortals. As the film hadn't been out very long they co

This New Years Eve a group of my friends wanted to go out as the Spartan Gods from the film Immortals. As the film hadn’t been out very long they couldn’t find anything suitable at any costume shops so they came to me. Having made one of them a King Leonidas outfit when 300 came … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bud Light Knight Costume

Homemade Bud Light Knight Costume

I don’t really remember what made me think of this homemade Bud Light knight costume idea but it came out really good. I simply made the armor out of cardboard and then glued and taped cut beer cans onto the outside. The cans are very sharp when cut open so be very careful if you … Read more

Coolest Homemade Budweiser Warrior Halloween Costume

Homemade Budweiser Warrior Halloween Costume

Being a university student, I don’t have a lot of money. So, for Halloween, I didn’t want to spend an obscene amount of money on some generic costume. I started thinking about making my costume and decided to use all the beer cans lying around at home combined with a warrior theme from World of … Read more

Coolest Homemade Beer Knight Halloween Costume

Homemade Beer Knight Halloween Costume with the Battle Axe

I created this homemade Beer Knight Halloween costume to put together my love of medieval armor and alcohol. I first started by creating the shield. I based it off of my fraternity’s symbol, the star shield. It is a pentagon with a star in the middle and two swords crossing behind it; in my costume … Read more

Coolest Homemade Spartan Costume

Homemade Spartan Costume

I made this homemade Spartan costume for my 22nd birthday. I had spent most of my summer without a job and decided to be creative. I spent large amounts of my time making the helmet and shield as the cape was relatively simple as was making the grieves. The helmet started as a strip of … Read more

Coolest Homemade Leonidas King of Sparta Costume

Homemade Leonidas King of Sparta Costume

After looking online for appropriate armor and helmet I was unimpressed and decided to make my own homemade Leonidas King of Sparta costume. Using pieces of poster board I cut the shapes I needed and taped/glued everything together to make my “forms”. I then used packing tape over each piece to make water resistant, as … Read more