What happens when your most dreaded household tasks become hilarious DIY costumes? This awesome collection of household Halloween costumes!
Spend too much time with your washing machine? Turn it into a homemade costume! Use your mountains of dirty laundry as costume inspiration. No need to buy a costume or even fold your clothes in order to make the basket of laundry costumes here. Take a look at the easy tutorials and try one of these DIY costumes yourself.
Turn your kid into a true dirt devil by making a DIY costume vacuum cleaner. Even better, make it a couple costume by pairing it with a homemade dust bunny costume.
In addition, give your homemade costumes a creepy quality in honor of Halloween. For instance, check out the scary dust bunny costume below.
So whether you air your dirty laundry or take out the trash, get inspired by your daily chores to create a memorable homemade costume.
Latest Household Costumes
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- Coolest Homemade Vacuum Cleaner Costume – This Costume Doesn’t Suck!It doesn’t suck literally or figuratively. The literal not sucking is a compromise of my 4-year old son’s original vision … Read more
- Fun and Easy to Make Dirty Laundry Costume for the Entire FamilyDon’t forget to wash your dirty laundry, with Tide detergent, in your very own washer and dryer! All you’ll need … Read more
- Coolest Airing Our Dirty Laundry Group CostumesHere’s the story behind our Dirty Laundry group costumes. After browsing photos online, our kids passed up the opportunity to … Read more
- Easy DIY Dust Bunny CostumeThis was a fun play on words costume that was super simple. I bought a large gray sweater from the … Read more
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- Cutest Little Dirt Devill Vacuum Costume for a BoyMy three year old son was obsessed with vacuum cleaners so I just knew that it would be the perfect … Read more
- Cool Brick House CostumeI worked for a brick company that was bought by a bigger brick company. The bigger brick company sent us … Read more
Featured Household Halloween Costumes
Coolest Airing Our Dirty Laundry Group Costumes

Here’s the story behind our Dirty Laundry group costumes. After browsing photos online, our kids passed up the opportunity to be candy and popcorn and instead chose to be appliances and dirty laundry, lol! Our oldest was the washing machine, complete with a door that opens (made from a deli tray), ‘bubbles & soap’ (blue cellophane and bubble wrap), plumbing attachments in back, and a REAL water feature (a squirt gun suspended inside that sprays through the ‘soap dispenser’ made from a Frosty top). Read more »
Coolest Homemade Vacuum Cleaner Costume – This Costume Doesn’t Suck!

It doesn’t suck literally or figuratively. The literal not sucking is a compromise of my 4-year old son’s original vision of having a vacuum costume that could even suck up candy when trick-or-treating. He settled on a backpack where he could pretend play that the candy got vacuumed. He was thrilled with the result and we had a Halloween full of good clean fun! I usually ask my kids sometime in September what they are thinking of being for Halloween to give plenty of time to think through the DIY process (they have big ideas!). This year my youngest gave me plenty of lead time as he declared back in the spring that he was going to be a vacuum. Read more »