Coolest Homemade Dragon Costume Ideas for Halloween

Take a look at these cool homemade Dragon costume ideas shared with us by costume enthusiasts from around the world. Along with the costumes here, you’ll also find loads of homemade costume ideas and DIY Halloween costume inspiration for your next costume project. Enjoy!

Latest Dragon Costume Ideas

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Dragon Costume Created by Beth from Wisconsin

Coolest Dragon Costume Ideas

My son, Max insisted on being a fierce dragon for Halloween this year. We looked high and low for any dragon costumes.

Aside from very expensive mascot dragon costumes we came up empty. So we ventured to the fabric store. We looked for a pattern. Again we came up empty. This is probably the 2nd thing I have attempted to sew since grade school home economics class.

We bought what we thought we needed and decided to “wing it”. Wing it we did. We made three more trips to the fabric store for additional fabric and stuffing. The costume is far more elaborate than we originally imagined. For a 6 year old, Max is a tough client to please. Thank goodness Halloween finally arrived or by now it would be sequined with a built in fire blowing attachment. We did intend to make clawed feet and hands and felt-scaled legs but ran out of time.

I would guess that I spent about 10 hours total.

The base is a black turtleneck and jogging pant and aviator hat. The red and white areas are felt and the black wings, tail and fat body are stretchy polar fleece. The tail and wings were one unit with elastic arm bands for ease of removal for the car and so the costume wouldn’t rip if someone stepped on the tail. The head piece was stuffed and sewn to a child’s winter aviator hat. He was plenty warm for a Wisconsin Halloween, had a blast and received endless compliments.

Enjoy creating your Dragon costumes!

Total Spent: $40


Fire-Breathing Dragon Costume

Dragon Costume Created by Jolee from Charlottesville, IN

My son loves Malicifent from the Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, so we took the dragon costume idea from the magazine into the fire-breathing dragon that Malicifent turns into towards the end of the movie.

Dragon Costume
Dragon Costume

The dragon’s head is all from cardboard pieces cut and heavily taped together. The teeth are also cardboard. To create the “fire” we used tissue paper taped inside the mouth.

To make the “horns” we used black material and stuffed them with batting and attached to the top of the dragon’s head. The tail is also cardboard painted and we attached it to a belt to hold it on.

The dragon’s feet are cardboard pieces with holes to tie onto shoelaces. We used a black sweatshirt and attached purple stick-on felt to create the belly of the dragon. We also attached fabric cut with jagged edges with safety pins to create the dragon’s wings.

We spent about 16 hours total with cutting and painting and playing with several ideas. It was a very low cost project. Paint, stick-on felt and a black sweat suit were the majority of the cost. Most of everything else were things around the house.

Our whole family got involved in the evolution of the fire-breathing dragon. It was fun to watch my son’s face as each piece was finally put together.

A little advice is to adjust the head size to your child. We made ours a little too big and it was heavy for him to hold up!

Total Spent: $15

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