Coolest Plastic Toy Soldiers Group Halloween Costume

buy all the supplies garvage bags dollar store old shirt pants and boots fatigues if u can find them cut trash bags same shape as shirt and pants spr

Buy all the supplies, garbage bags, Dollar store old shirt, pants and boots fatigues if you can find them. Cut trash bags same shape as shirt and pants, spray, adhesive them to clothing. PVC pipe is most expensive piece, cut to what size you want. Buy green spray paint in the same green face paint … Read more

Awesome Homemade Little Green Plastic Army Man Costume

Wanted to do one of these for years... made the bazooka from plumbing parts, the walkie-talkie is from a barbie refridgerator and plumbing parts, the

Wanted to do an awesome homemade Little Green Plastic Army Man costume of these for years. I made the bazooka from plumbing parts, the walkie-talkie is from a Barbie refrigerator and plumbing parts, the rifle and grenades were toys painted to match. The stand is a routed piece of wood painted to match. This was … Read more

Cool Homemade Green Plastic Army Men Costumes

Homemade Green Plastic Army Men Costumes

We decided we wanted to do a creative costume, and try to make it as realistic as possible. We decided to go with the Homemade Green Plastic Army Men Costumes. Although a few others have done this costume in the past, we felt we could take it to another level. We knew we needed to … Read more

Coolest Plastic Toy Soldier Costume

Coolest Plastic Toy Soldier Costume 22

This Plastic Toy Soldier Costume was really easy. I took some old clothes out of my closet and spray painted them with army green spray paint… shoes, hat, socks, shirt, etc. I found the binoculars and gun at the $1 store and spray painted them too. My face I covered in a very thick layer … Read more

Coolest Toy Plastic Soldier Costume

Coolest Toy Plastic Soldier Costume 23

For this Toy Plastic Soldier Costume – pants and jacket were bought from a thrift store. I chose a raincoat and pants which had a slick material. I bought the utility belt, riffle, canteen, and walkie talkie from the dollar store. I used a pair of old work boots for my shoes. I had to … Read more

Coolest Toy Story Army Soldiers Group Costume

Homemade Toy Story Army Soldiers Group Costume

One of my favorite Disney movies is Toy Story and I wanted to come up with a great group costume, so instead of the traditional characters of Woody, Jessie, and the gang, I decided we should be the Bucket O Soldiers – 5 green toy soldiers. We bought used Army fatigues, belts, and boots from … Read more

Coolest Plastic Army Men Halloween Costumes

Homemade Plastic Army Men Halloween Costumes

All of this costume is homemade from scratch including the Bazooka and boards for our feet. Everything had to be spray painted weapons, bullets etc. Allot of time and effort went into this costume. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Thanks for all your support.

Coolest Homemade Green Army Man Costume

Homemade Green Army Man Costume

I made this Homemade Green Army Man Costume for my husband. He looked just like the little figures that come in a bucket and which also featured in the movie “Toy Story”. The first thing I did was buy a few tubes of non-smudge green face paint. I then matched the color exactly with a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Green Plastic Army Men Costumes

Homemade Green Plastic Army Men Costumes

I love going all out for Halloween and usually start thinking of a future costume the day after Halloween. The idea of the Green Plastic Army Men came to me after I saw a clip on Youtube of visitors at Disney Land near the Toy Story display. They actually had guys all dressed in green, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Plastic Army Man Costume

Homemade Plastic Army Man Costume

I put this Homemade Plastic Army Man Costume together using ideas from your site; I particularly loved the costume of the plastic army man and thought I could do it as well or better. It took about ten hours to paint my clothing, boots, helmet, gun and accessories and get the right color. I used … Read more

Coolest Homemade Plastic Army Men Group Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Plastic Army Men Group Halloween Costume Idea

Our homemade plastic army men group Halloween costume idea was inspired by a 3D kids movie that was recently released which includes animated plastic army men. We loved the little guys so much we had to figure out a way to be them. We purchased simple military jackets($10), pants ($25) and helmets ($30) from the … Read more