Coolest Homemade Headless Zombie Bride

headless bride

My homemade Headless Zombie Bride costume was made with some old net curtains and a few balloons, newspapers and paint. I built a torso to sit above me and hold my beheaded head. I blew up three balloons, formed them into an upside-down triangle and wrapped them in newspaper and glue. I then added a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Headless Girl Costume

Homemade Headless Girl Costume

The homemade headless girl costume was made with a dress from the thrift store and a rolling back pack. We used a deer park water jug for the base of the neck and hot glued food colored Styrofoam to the top. we used packing paper to stuff the shoulders and arms. We used a coat … Read more

Coolest Head on a Platter Costume

Homemade Head on a Platter Costume

I started off this Homemade Head on a Platter Costume with a box and cut a round hole in the top. Using the cut out circle from the box as a template I used it to cut a circle out of a disposable tin serving tray so they would be the exact size. I cut … Read more

Coolest Prom Queen Head on a Platter Costume

Coolest Prom Queen Head on a Platter Costume 37

My daughter wanted to be something “scary” for Halloween. Originally she wanted to be a prom queen zombie but we decided to take it to the next level and make a her a prom queen head on a platter. The Prom Queen Head on a Platter Costume was not difficult to pull together. We found … Read more

Coolest Homemade Vampire’s Feast Group Costume

Homemade Vampire's Feast Group Costume

I was searching around this site last year and decided to do my version of a ‘Head on a Platter’ which could include 3 children in a group costume. I came up with this homemade Vampire’s Feast Group costume. I used a piece of foam core and cut a hole in the center. I had … Read more

Coolest Bookworm Costume

Coolest Bookworm Costume 2

I am a second grade teacher and I felt this Bookworm Costume would be a great costume for my students to enjoy. First, I’d like to say that I can’t take all the credit for the idea for the bookworm costume. I saw another bookworm costume on this website (, where a mother made one … Read more

Coolest Piggy Back Illusion Costume

Homemade Piggy Back Illusion Costume

I made this Homemade Piggy Back Illusion Costume for our annual Halloween-party at the university. The feedback was amazing, and the fun of running around screaming, playing the role really made my day. The costume is cheap butt takes some time to put together properly. Cheap; since most of the material is stuff you have … Read more

Mover – Original Halloween Costume Ideas

I made this original Halloween costume about 10 years ago. The illusion of this original Halloween costume is what makes it great. I’ve had people stare at the costume for a few minutes trying to figure it out. I once brought it to the mall for a contest and people just stopped in their tracks … Read more

Coolest Port-A-Buzz Costume

Homemade Port-A-Buzz Costume

My husband and I decided to make a Homemade Port-A-Buzz Costume because his nickname is Buzz with all the friends we hang out with, and he was the construction guy using it. We like to do couple costumes so I had a shirt made so that I went as the maintenance person and carried a … Read more