Coolest Homemade Cactus Costume

Homemade Cactus Costume

We had just moved to Mesa, AZ… in honor of the heat and the local flora, we decided our six-month old daughter just had to be a cactus! After scouring the internet and only finding a few very ugly cactus costume ideas – I knew there was a way I could do it and make … Read more

Coolest Deep Sea Diver Halloween Costume

Homemade Deep Sea Diver Halloween Costume

Well this is what happens every year!! After a flash of inspiration and about 30 hours of handy work. Its quiet strange what materials you find laying about the house. Everything you see was made from scratch even the suit itself is made from faux leather. The helmet was paper-mached over a large ballon, other … Read more

Coolest Airplane Costume

Homemade Bi Plane Costume

For this Bi Plane Costume I started out using four cardboard boxes and four rolls of Duct tape my favorite… The first box is the largest of them. I cut a hole in it to place over the pilot’s head to make sure he can get into it from the bottom and that he can … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mom and Baby Aviator Costumes

Homemade Mom and Baby Aviator Costumes

My idea to be a team of mother and baby aviators originated from an aviator style winter hat that I bought my 6 month old son a few months ago. I made matching scarves and goggles out of black and white felt and a patch for his shirt that said “Jr Pilot”. I finished off … Read more

Cool Homemade Kissing Booth Costume

Homemade Kissing Booth Costume

What do you dress up as when you are desperate for some male attention but slightly shy and need a way to say hello and sneak a free kiss at the same time? A kissing booth! Hours of entertainment, but don’t forget your chapstick or breath freshener. A Homemade Kissing Booth Costume is always a … Read more

Coolest Lemon Laura’s Ice Cream Truck with Whiteboard

Coolest Lemon Laura's Ice Cream Truck with Whiteboard - with lights on

Lemon Laura’s Ice Cream Truck was a big hit at a school Halloween dance and town parade where she could easily maneuver around with the lights glowing, ice cream truck song playing, ringing her bell. She could also relax in a chair inside the costume while children drew and wrote on the whiteboard side of … Read more

Coolest Homemade Running Fridge Costume

New: Misc > Wordplay > Running Fridge

I’m always running (training for my first marathon), always hungry and, since all the boxes at work seem to get stored next to my office,my friend and I put the 3 together and created the Coolest Homemade Running Fridge costume. We printed out pictures (for the inside of the fridge) and personalized the outside of … Read more

Coolest NY Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign Couple Costume

Homemade NY Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign Couple Costume

My brother Jesse and I went as the Walk/Don’t Walk signs in NY for Halloween last year. Jesse got the idea while walking around NYC and trying to think of something that would be instantly recognizable, but also flashy and would work perfectly for the 2 of us. The Homemade NY Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign Couple … Read more

Coolest Cactus Homemade Costume

Homemade  Cactus Costume

This costume was for Western Day at my school. I knew right away that I wanted to be a cactus, but figuring out how to do it was more difficult. In the end I came up with a very easy way to make this costume. Materials: Cardboard Bubble Wrap Toothpicks Green paper Double Sided Sticky … Read more

Coolest Pedestrian Costume

Homemade Pedestrian Costume

Homemade Pedestrian Costume: To make it, you have to find some big signs, it can be a cardboard. It just needs to be flat and rough. Then, buy some bright yellow paper. You can paint it too. After that, draw or paint a big black lign. You can also had a little sign where it’s … Read more

Coolest Homemade Aquarium Deep Sea Diver Costume

Homemade Aquarium Deep Sea Diver Costume

For Halloween I wanted to be the deep-sea diver aquarium man that releases bubble to aerate the water. When I was a kid I always wanted one of those plastic trinkets for my fish tank but never got to have one. Oh well, I just took it one step further and made myself a Homemade … Read more