Coolest Pair of Pants Costume

Coolest Pair of Pants Costume - Front

Our 6 year old decided that he wanted to be a “big pair of pants” this year for Halloween so we said we would try and this is what we came up with. We used material that we had in the house and bought some chicken wire to give the pants some shape. We even … Read more

Coolest WWF Ultimate Warrior Wrestling Costume

Homemade Ultimate Warrior WWF Costume

Growing Up in the 80’s I watched WWF, as many people did, and my ICON was the one and only Ultimate Warrior! I took one look at him and thought to myself, I could make a mirror image of him for Halloween…and then it began! At the fabric store I bought out all their rainbow … Read more

Coolest Photo Booth Picture Strip Costume

Homemade Photo Booth Picture Strip Costume

The first step in building this giant Photo Booth Picture Strip costume was to pick the outfit I was going to wear on the night of the parade (paying careful attention to the weather forecast!) a few weeks prior and posing for a bunch of stereotypical “photo booth” pics wearing that outfit. I created the … Read more

Coolest Bathtub Halloween Costume

Homemade Bathtub Halloween Costume

Splish Splash I was Taking A Bath when I suddenly came up with this idea for a costume. Materials: Balloons Empty shampoo bottles Rubber Duck Storage Bin Shower Head String Water Sandals Swimsuit Shaving Cream Rod Shower Cap The first step was to cut the bottom out of the storage bin so that I could … Read more

Coolest Prisoner in a Visiting Booth Costume

Prisoner in a Visiting Booth Costume

For this Prisoner in a Visiting Booth Costume I made a two sided “prison visiting booth” out of foam core which I covered with cheesy wood paneling contact paper and a clear plastic film to recreate the glass between the two sides of the “visiting booth.” I attached two identical black phone handsets with old … Read more

Coolest Rocket Ship Halloween Costume

Homemade Rocket Ship Halloween Costume

3…2…1… BLASTOFF!! This costume was for the 1960s Day at my school and the space race was certainly an exciting time. The frame of this costume uses my favorite costume building technique, cardboard strips enforced with wire. Basically, you take some lightweight wire and glue it between 2 cardboard strips. There are ring after ring … Read more

Coolest Toaster Costume

Homemade Toaster Costume

I was making a piece of bread in the morning, tired, getting ready for school, when I burned myself on my toaster. Ouch! But then it occurred to me what a great costume a toaster would make. This is made mainly with a box, so finding the right size was the hardest part for me. … Read more

Coolest Flying Genie Illusion Costume

Homemade Flying Genie Illusion Costume

I still remember creating Halloween costumes as a child with my dad, back in my small hometown. Hearing people say “How did you make that”?? or “Where did you come up with that idea?” created a passion to continue building costumes throughout my adult years. October always creates an inner excitement of what is about … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lighthouse Costume

Homemade Lighthouse Costume

My son Jordan decided he wanted to be a light house and instead of saying no, I said “SURE”! This was fun but tricky to make. I ended up building the frame with wire mesh cutting each peace out and then wiring them together with a stiff gauge wire. My hands got cut up pretty … Read more

Coolest Foam Finger Costume

Coolest Foam Finger Costume

I am a sports fanatic (especially Lakers) and decided being a foam finger would be a fun, unique costume! I went to my local craft store and bought 2 huge rolls of foam (each 72″x24″x2″), 16 oz of bright yellow acrylic paint, and 4 oz of purple paint. I bought contact cement at the hardware … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bumble Captures Yukon Cornelious Costume

Homemade Bumble Captures Yukon Cornelious Costume

Hi there, I usually make a very unique (and complicated) costume every year, but recently took a couple years off, (due to a new baby and work). So this year I decided to step it up a notch and even top the last “illusion” costumes I made in previous years. I came up with the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baby Costume

Homemade Baby Costume

The Homemade Baby Costume started out as a big box for you. I cut it for my head. We put on the box, nice color, toys for the baby (bears). We also took a pyjama and I cut a place for my head which I shaved very well and put something on my head. This … Read more