Coolest Homemade Cleopatra on a Litter Costume

Homemade Cleopatra on a Litter Costume

This is a Homemade Cleopatra on a Litter Costume being carried by four Egyptians. All my clothes and jewelry came from garage sales. I got the boxes, cardboard, & boards from the neighbors’ trash, so all I had to buy were some bolts. I wore a long gold skirt and cut the sleeves off a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Human Cannonball Costume

Homemade Human Cannonball Costume

Materials needed: For Costume: White long-sleeved t-shirt ($3 from WalMart) White baseball pants ($2 from thrift store) Fabric paint: red, blue and silver glitter ($1 each) White felt ($0.50 from fabric store) Red fabric for cape ($4 from fabric store) Red bike helmet ($8 at WalMart) For Cannon: Concrete tube ($10 at Home Depot) Spraypaint: … Read more

Coolest Homemade Swine Flu Group Costume

Swine, Vaccine Shot & CDC person

I’ve been making my kids’ costumes every year since my older son was born. It has become one of my hobbies now. As we were thinking about the ideas for Halloween this year, I wanted my younger son to dress up as an animal or something cute because I think little toddlers are so cute … Read more

Coolest Homemade Google Maps Costume

Homemade Google Maps Costume

Hello I am Borja, from Madrid, Spain. Sorry for my poor English. I made the Homemade Google Maps Costume with a white t-shirt painting with markers. The marker is made from cardboard magenta and elastic bands to hold it. I think I could have done better but I did it in a day and almost … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cuckoo Clock Halloween Costume

Homemade Cuckoo Clock Halloween Costume

When we asked my two-year-old son what he wanted to be for Halloween he responded with words we have heard often in recent months, “Cuckoo”. For the past year he has been obsessed with cuckoo clocks. It started when he watched The Sound of Music and fell in love with the song “So Long, Farewell” … Read more

Coolest Homemade Las Vegas Costume

Homemade Las Vegas Costume

For the last few years, it seems like my Halloween costume has consistently been getting larger and more outrageous than the year before. CHECK OUT MY VIDEO OF THE COSTUME IN ACTION: I LOVE Las Vegas and take several trips a year out there, so I decided there could be no better way to honor … Read more

Coolest Computer Virus Costume

Homemade Computer Virus Costume

This is a Computer Virus Costume I created for a party with the theme The Garden of Good and Evil. The costume was created from a piece of large cardboard, $2 shop nerdy glasses and the nurse head band and stethoscope from an Adult nurse costume kit (with lacey bits removed) and printing thanks to … Read more

Coolest DIY Oscar the Grouch Halloween Costume

DIY Oscar the Grouch Halloween Costume

Oscar the Grouch has been one of my favorite all time characters. I saw a lot of Oscar costumes, but I wanted the focus to mostly be on the puppet (or muppet depending on how you see it). I like to go to a lot of parties on Halloween, and for some reason, the idea … Read more

Coolest Deadliest Catch aka Crab Man Costume

Homemade Deadliest Catch aka Crab Man Costume

I came up with this idea for a Homemade Deadliest Catch aka Crab Man Costume while eating Pringles. It was made using 100% recycled materials. The arms are made with 8 Pringle cans joined by 8 bungee cords and 4 tennis balls. I drilled a hole in the metal bottoms and indented the cans where … Read more

The Deadilest Catch Costume

Homemade Deadilest Catch Costume

For this “The Deadliest Catch” costume, I used one long cardboard box and one smaller. I cut the hole out to make sure of the fit. Then I started to see what I wanted. I taped the control bridge on and shaped it up to look like a ship. I used plastic separators from them … Read more

Coolest Pagemaster Costume

Adventure Book Costume from the Pagemaster Movie

This is my Adventure Book (Pirate) character costume from The Pagemaster movie I made for my Son Joshua. I started with a cardboard frame and glued on some thin foam carpet underlayment that is shaped into the book form in the back and glued the seams with contact cement. The arms were cone shaped and … Read more