Coolest Caterpillar Puppy From Alice In Wonderland Costume

Caterpillar Puppy On His Mushroom

My dog, Ohana, is dressed as the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland which I made from scratch along with his sidekick Willow, who is wearing a store bought Alice costume. I sewed the Caterpillar costume by beginning with a dog coat base which I added a second layer to and stuffed with stuffing. I created … Read more

Coolest Rocky and Mr. T Couple Costume

Coolest Rocky and Mr. T Couple Costume

As huge Rocky fans, my buddy and I decided to create costumes modeled after the Rocky III movie starring Sylvester Stallone and Mr. T. We gathered a ton of pictures to get the Rocky and Mr. T Couple Costume as close as possible to the real movie. The costumes were all made from scratch and … Read more

Coolest Pathfinder Viking Costume

Homemade Pathfinder Viking Costume

My Homemade Pathfinder Viking Costume was inspired by the movie pathfinder. The vikings’ presence in this movie invoked pure fear. I created every part of this costume by hand over the past couple months. Almost all the fur and leather came from regular clothing purchased from second hand stores. All of the armor started as … Read more

Coolest Homemade Grannie Wolf Carrying Little Red Riding Hood Costume

My husband and I came up with the idea of a Grannie Wolf carrying Little Red Riding Hood costume after searching for numerous ideas online, including previous submissions from this website. The original idea was inspired by one of the previous winners: the Mother Carrying a Baby costume. To make it more challenging, we decided … Read more

A Challenging and Original Mermaid Siren Costume

A Challenging and Original Mermaid Siren Costume

For the longest time, I wanted to see what it would be like to create a Mermaid Siren costume. I selected all the vibrant colors and realistic material as a mermaid should be. The challenging part of creating my Mermaid Siren costume was figuring out how to attach my shells onto my top and making … Read more

Cutest Snowglobe Costume

Homemade Snowglobe Costume

This Homemade Snowglobe Costume is the cutest snow globe from Hawaii that you have ever seen. My daughter collects snow globes from all over the world, so what better than to turn her into one? We chose a nice tropical place so she could be a cute hula girl. Two costumes for the price of … Read more

Famous Painting Costume – Lady In Gold by Gustov Klimt

The Lady In Gold-Gustov Klimt

My goal this year was to create a famous painting costume. I started thinking about my favorite pieces and Gustov Klimt immediately came to mind. Once I got the idea, I started with the dress. Being able to find the right gold was going to be important.  Once I found the fabric I was able … Read more

What the…?! Double Headed 50s Housewife Illusion Costume

What the…?! Double Headed 50s Housewife Illusion Costume

The moment I saw a mannequin head for 4 dollars at a thrift store, I came up with this double-headed 50s housewife illusion costume. I adore Halloween, almost to a fault….nah! No such thing!  I came up with this costume when I found an old mannequin head in a thrift store for 4 dollars! I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Paratrooper and Chick Magnet Wheelchair Costume

Homemade Paratrooper and Chick Magnet Wheelchair Costume

Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. We’ve had lots of fun doing just that and making this Paratrooper and Chick Magnet Wheelchair Costume! Christopher loves going on the treadmill at his school. He uses a Lite Gait Trainer to suspend him over the … Read more

Awesome Homemade Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costume

Thing1 and Thing 2 Costume

My Pomeranian dogs, Maximus and Dantes, are my children and every year they get dressed up. They are constantly doing the opposite of what I tell them to so what better costume to wear than Thing 1 and Thing 2? I took red thermal material and made the body of the suits and then I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ladybug Wheelchair Costume Idea

Homemade Ladybug Wheelchair Costume Idea

Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. We’ve had lots of fun doing just that in making this Ladybug Wheelchair Costume Idea! Sarah loved ladybugs so we made her into one for Halloween! I bought a pattern for the cape and hood and made … Read more