Coolest Purple Rain Costume

Coolest Purple Rain Costume

My friend wanted her son to be Prince for Halloween and asked me to come up with something for her. I went to the Salvation Army army and found a pair of purple XL PJ pants made from velvet that were perfect for the jacket! I went home and cut it up and hot glued … Read more

Awesome DIY Ghoulish Sea Queen Costume

Scary sea queen!

I got the inspiration for this ghoulish sea queen costume from an instagram makeup artist, her name is Kimberly Margarita, but I wanted to really make it my own. We live on the water and the idea of a ghoulish sea queen really felt so appropriate, especially since we had a halloween party at home … Read more

Coolest Wheelchair Trike Costume

Coolest Wheelchair Trike Costume

This year William Joel had machine fabricating friends create the coolest 3-wheeler adaption to his small Quickie wheelchair. What started out to be a simple build, was to put the front end of a bicycle on William’s pediatric wheel-chair. As we all know, what usually happens in creating such a build is the desire to … Read more

Coolest Domino’s Delivery Dog Costume

Homemade Dominos Deliver Dog Costume

My name is Tammy Chilleme, my dog Kaiah is a 3 year old resue dog, rotti mix that we have had since she was a puppy. She a wonderful disposition and enjoys wearing clothes, wont go out in the rain without her raincoat. Kaiah”s Dad works at Dominos so I decided to dress her like … Read more

Coolest Homemade Head on a Grill Costume

Homemade Head on a Grill Costume

I am the grill master in this Homemade Head on a Grill Costume. My sister-in-law is the head on the grill. The grill is a replica of a large Weber grill. The bottom is frame and covered with felt to keep the weight down. The top is made of wood with a clear plastic window … Read more

Coolest Homemade Scuba Bulldog Costume

Homemade Scuba Bulldog Costume

I rescued Max, an English Bulldog, from the NSPCA in Springfield, MA in April of 2008. At the time he had ringworm, was underweight and had been abandoned by his previous owner. Since then Max has gotten healthy (and fat) and has been a great addition to the family. He enjoys sleeping, eating and being … Read more

Coolest Formula One Transfomer Costume

Homemade Formula One Transfomer Costume

I’m an artist living in Austin, TX who spends every September and October making my kids Halloween costumes. My son wanted to be a Transformer again. As an experiment, I wanted to see if I could motorize his wheels this time and make the costume functional as a car. His body serves as the frame. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Haunted Tree Costume

Homemade Haunted Tree Costume

Check out our Homemade Haunted Tree Costume: In years past our family has stayed away from themed costumes, but this year a “Haunted” theme fell into place. Our oldest daughter (13 years old) thought it would be super cool to be a haunted tree that could move around and surprise people. When we went to … Read more

Coolest Mother Earth and Father Time Pregnant Couple Costume

Homemade Mother Earth and Father Time Pregnant Couple Costume

Well, what can I say, you’re only pregnant once, or twice, or four times, but at any rate, live it up, right?! I absolutely LOVE being pregnant at Halloween time. It gives me (and my husband) an opportunity to come up with fun ways to celebrate, not only the little life coming, but also that … Read more

Coolest Frozen Head in Fridge Homemade Costume

Frozen Head in Fridge Costume

The frozen head in fridge costume started out as a water heater box. I cut it down the left side to make the “doors” then placed a piece of cardboard in the bottom of the “freezer” section that rested on my daughters head. We spray-painted the entire thing white and placed bent cardboard on the … Read more

Coolest St Pauli Beer Girl Costume

Pet Dog Costume

This year for Halloween I decided to dress my little chihuahua, Rosie, as a St Pauli Beer Girl. The whole costume was homemade. The dress was designed by me and sewn by a friend. I found German ribbon to add to the dress to make it look more authentic. The wig was made from yarn. … Read more

Coolest Electric Chair Costume

Homemade Electric Chair Costume

I was inspired to build this costume from a drawing I saw on the internet. I was looking for something out of the ordinary but yet kinda scary. After much thinking and planning the process began. I folded and hot glued cardboard into the shape of boards. I wanted this to be truly three dimensional. … Read more