Coolest Zebra Costume

Homemade Zebra Costume

My idea to be a Zebra stemmed from loving animal print clothing. However, when I scanned the available costumes online I was very disappointed in the selection that was to be had. The only thing that would identify me as a “Zebra” would be the fact that I was wearing Zebra print. Which in my … Read more

Coolest Barrel of Monkeys Halloween Costume

Homemade Barrel of Monkeys Halloween Costume

This Barrel of Monkeys Halloween Costume I made when my son was 5. I just took some light brown material and created a cylinder out of it. You can hot glue or sew. Took 4 rings of metal (2 different sizes) and glued and stitched the metal inside the material. From top to bottom, small, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Rufio from Hook Costume

Homemade Rufio from Hook Costume

This is a Rufio from Hook Costume I made for a roommate, so it is him in the pictures and not myself. Materials: It was made mostly of clothes from the thrift store: Black pants, cheapest leather jacket we could find, red mohawk wig (the best treasure found at the thrift store), black shirt. Some … Read more

Coolest Homemade Musketeer Costume

Homemade Musketeer Costume

Supplies needed for the Musketeer Costume: 1 roll of duct tape safety pins two matching blue pillow cases 1 pair of brown boots 1 pair of bell bottom jeans long sleeved white collared shirt tan vest belt cowboy hat large feather I created the design on the pillowcases by tracing the shapes on card stock … Read more

Coolest Censored Streaker Costume

Homemade Censored Streaker Costume

I wanted something that would turn heads… something between sexy and shocking. After watching bloopers on TV I decided to be a censored streaker. I bought a flesh colored body suit and flesh panty hose. For the censored rectangles I bought that thick foam board and cut out rectangles. I used magnets to hold them … Read more

Cool Homemade Balloon Boy Costume

Homemade Balloon Boy Costume

Made this Homemade Balloon Boy Costume with my husband and 7 year old son last Sunday night for my office party. It is made of space blankets, pool noodles, hula hoop and tape. Used a snow disc underneath to give it the oval shape. It is very warm and I am sure if that actually … Read more

Coolest Homemade Candy Princess Costume

Homemade Candy Princess Costume

My daughter and I were trying to think of a cool costume idea that no one else had done… she loves candy and she is a true princess so we decided to put the two together. I bought a summer dress, a few bags of dollar tree candy,and a tiara and let the creative juices … Read more

iPhone Costume

Homemade iPhone Costume

After the iPhone craze I decided it would be great to dress up as one. I bought two pieces of foam board (gray and black). I printed the icons large and pasted them on. I used foil for the apple on the back and silver duct tape for the outside rim. I used regular duct … Read more

Coolest Homemade Aretha Franklin’s Inauguration Hat Costume

Homemade Aretha Franklin's Inauguration Hat Costume

It was the hat seen by millions around the world during President Barack Obama’s January 2009 inauguration. Aretha Franklin wore it when she sang her soulful rendition of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and it stole the show! Hey, even Ellen DeGeneres featured it on her daytime show. I decided this Aretha Franklin’s Inauguration Hat … Read more

Coolest Woodland Fairy Prince Costume

Homemade Woodland Fairy Prince Costume

I wanted to make a costume for my 22 month old son that was something unique. One day he was flitting in between the trees in the yard so much like a little woodland imp; that is when inspiration hit. I know that it is a feminine option but I felt that I could pull … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ganesh Hindu God Costume

Homemade Ganesh Hindu God Costume

My love for elephants got the best of my artistic abilities this year. I never used to make costumes cause I thought it was too time consuming. But for the last three years since I began my artistic journey in costume making, it has touched me personally and professionally. My first costume was killer clown … Read more

Coolest Homemade Growing Daisy Child Halloween Costume

Homemade Growing Daisy Child Halloween Costume

I asked my daughter what she wanted to be this year for Halloween and she told me she wanted to be a daisy. Last year my husband and I bought her a costume – she was super-woman – well that was a complete waste of twenty dollars. This year I wanted to try out my … Read more