Coolest Toy Plastic Soldier Costume

Coolest Toy Plastic Soldier Costume 23

For this Toy Plastic Soldier Costume – pants and jacket were bought from a thrift store. I chose a raincoat and pants which had a slick material. I bought the utility belt, riffle, canteen, and walkie talkie from the dollar store. I used a pair of old work boots for my shoes. I had to … Read more

Headless Costume

Headless Costume

I got this great idea for a scary headless costume from this site. I used an old backpack and installed in the bag two long plastic sticks (for extension). To that I glued a plastic hanger and to the hanger I glued the upper body that was filled pantyhose and I added some red makeup … Read more

Coolest Homemade Headless Bride Costume

Homemade Headless Bride Costume

I was cleaning out my closet and I had this wedding dress that I had bought at a thrift store. I was going to use pieces off it for another project. It is a beautiful gown, I didn’t want to just throw it away. I decided to use it for Halloween, I didn’t want to … Read more

Cool Headless Man Costume

Homemade Headless Man Costume

I wanted to do something that was simple yet scary. My favorite Halloween costumes are ones where the person becomes the character for the day, thus the Headless Man Costume. I got an XXL used men’s suit from a thrift store, and built the costume from there. The inside frame work is really the only … Read more

Original Homemade Headless Bride Halloween Costume

Homemade Headless Bride Halloween Costume

Using some of the ideas from the ‘Coolest Homemade Costumes’ website, I created this homemade headless bride Halloween costume. The body is made from half of a plastic mannequin with holes drilled for the arms. I used support stockings for the arms, which I half-stuffed. I took two dowels and affixed them to the body … Read more

Coolest Headless Man Homemade Costume

Homemade Headless Man Costume

First with the headless man costume. I made the head out of paper mache, about 6 coats of paper. When it was dry I made ears and a nose out if paper then I painted it a peach colour. I then drew on the mouth and eyes and for the hair I used a light … Read more

Awesome Homemade Head in Freezer Costume

Homemade Head in Freezer Costume

My 11 year old daughter wanted something scary for a Halloween costume. I started this Head in Freezer Costume with a hot water heater box and cut 3 sides of the top front to make the door of the freezer. I put a handle on the door and a handle on the box slightly lower … Read more

Coolest Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume

Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume

My husband and I made this Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume from scratch except for the dress of course. We used cheesecloth to mold my body for the upper part of the costume. After it dried and was set we filled it in with liquid foam while securing 2 dowels in the middle of … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lady with Baby Optical Illusion Costume

Homemade Lady with Baby Optical Illusion Costume

I love making costumes that challenge me to think. With this Homemade Lady with Baby Optical Illusion Costume, I wanted to be the baby and the mom simultaneously. So, I am the mom’s extremities such as her hands and legs, but I am also the baby’s face. The mom’s face is a mannequin head onto … Read more

Coolest Caged Safari Boy Halloween Costume

Caged Safari Boy Halloween Costume

This Caged Safari Boy Halloween costume is a caged safari boy from the jungle. It shows how a capture of a gorilla went terribly wrong. Many people thought that this was two people! I bought the gorilla suit and cut a slit for his waist to go through and then stuffed the upper body of … Read more

Coolest Ostrich Jockeys

Ready to Ride

Tapers stilts help you stand about 7.5 feet tall, an old fur coat or similar around chicken wire makes for a great ostrich body, split an old pair of pants and drape the legs, pin shoes. And keep your balance to become an ostrich jockey.