Hand Crocheted Snow Angel Cat Costume

Hand crocheted angel cat

Well my first issue with the hand-crocheted angel cat costume was finding yarn that my cat would immediately try to murder. He’s worn costumes of mine before and absolutely despises a small thin yarn because it gets tangled so easily. So this year I went with a thick chunky white yarn that he actually doesn’t … Read more

Jasmine on a Flying Magic Carpet Illusion Costume

Jasmine in flying magic carpet

After watching the movie Aladdin, my daughter wanted to be dressed up as Jasmine for Halloween. So we started checking out the costumes for Jasmine. Then we thought why not try to make an illusion costume. Thus we started making this costume. The carpet is made with cardboard and we got a table cloth from … Read more

Cool Balloons Galore Family Costumes

Balloons Galore Family Costumes

Since my balloon installation business, Bean and Boosh, soared to new heights this year, our Halloween costumes were all based on BALLOONS! I swore this year would be simple, but it took more work than I thought. We’ve been doing family costumes for over 12 years, so even throughout the pandemic, we were able to … Read more

Cool Homemade KISS Simmons and the Star Child Couple Costume

Cool Homemade KISS Simmons and the Star Child Couple Costume

My boyfriend had mentioned that it would be super fun to dress with me him and my two eleven year-old twins. My kids refused but I thought about it and about a week before Halloween we contacted my best friend and her boyfriend because the four of us can fit the part. We’re rock stars … Read more

Super-Sweet Carnival Family Goodies DIY Costumes

Carnival Family Goodies

We are the Dickerson family and we’re dressed as carnival food and a vendor. My daughter, her first Halloween, is cotton candy. I am popcorn. My husband is a food vendor. I made the cotton candy by spraying poly-fil with pink silk flower spray and hot gluing it to a pink onesie and pink shoes … Read more

Sexy Dumpster Fire Costume Inspired by 2020 Meme

2020 Sexy Dumpster Fire Costume

The year 2020 has been such a hot mess, a meme of a dumpster fire with the year 2020 on it has been circulating the internet. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I go all out creating my costumes, but they are with a twist. I seek out the most unconventional ideas and then make … Read more

Dog and Owner Costume – Handmade Beauty and the… Dog?

Beauty and the... Dog?

This dress was mostly finished a couple years before I thought to make it my Halloween costume, but the addition of my dog Loki’s costume is what definitely brought the heart to this project. Since both costumes are sewn from scratch, they had to start with patterns. I used a commercial corset pattern for my … Read more

Coolest DIY Train Engineer Stroller Halloween Costume

Coolest Train Engineer Stroller Halloween Costume

My son Kaydin is 2 yrs old and just loves trains so I made the train as a shell for his stroller Halloween costume. It’s made out of cardboard and held together with tape and hot glue. I used 3 large flat sheets of cardboard and 1 thinner bendable sheet of cardboard by first measuring … Read more

Very Cool Homemade Alien Couple Costume

Venushans visiting from Venus... the galaxy cruise canceled so we just came to south Florida instead.

Here’s our cool homemade Alien couple costume – we are aliens from Venus visiting from Venus. We couldn’t go on a cruise through the galaxy so we came to Florida instead. We used cardboard for the female aliens spaceship, lights that were controlled by hand, a wreath ring that was able to make the skirt … Read more

Cool Monkey in a Claw Machine Stroller Costume

Monkey in a Claw Machine Costume

The wife and I thought long and hard to come up with a costume that would work well at keeping our 2 year old safe from the weather and COVID. (And avoiding having to carry him around the town when he got tired).Of course it had to be cool at night too so we used … Read more

Cool Homemade Nascar Couple and Dog Costume

Nascar Couple + Dog Costume

Nascar girl costume: I found the black body suit and hoop earrings at Forever 21 ($15 + $3). Red bottoms was the hardest thing to find!! I went to multiple malls and thrift stores. I ultimately ended up buying a pair of red leather shorts off of Poshmark ($18). I bought checkered bandanas from Hobby … Read more

Cool Handmade Alien from Mars Costume

Alien Ambassador from Mars Attacks, and her quest for world domination

This Alien costume was inspired by the Tim Burton film, Mars Attacks! I Hand made this costume from the ground up using predominantly paper mache. I also work with reused, repurposed, and found materials, so anything that isn’t paper mache, is a whole lot of scrapping and dumpster diving. The only items that I bought … Read more