Best Ever Crayola Crayons and their Box Costume

Crayola Crayons and their Box Costume

We made the girls these homemade crayola crayons and their box costume with felt, black paint metal clothes hangers, and party hats. The box we painted and Velcroed in the back so they could come out of it. These costumes took us a few days to do, especially the paint part!!! We were very proud … Read more

Coolest Homemade Highlighter Costume

Homemade Highlighter Costume

For Halloween me and my mom made a Highlighter Costume for me. We took a laundry bag and cut out the bottom so my legs could fit through, then we spray painted it neon yellow. Later, I sewed on some handles which I found in my basement, which I also spray painted neon yellow. Then … Read more

Coolest Tool Box Costume

Homemade Snap-On Tool Box Costume

This tool box costume idea came to me because at the time I worked in a repair shop. I used two computer boxes as a start, but any durable box would do. They are attached using zip-ties. I cut out the holes for the drawers, arms, head, and the entire bottom for walking. I fashioned … Read more

Coolest Homemade Playing Cards Costumes

Homemade Playing Cards Costumes

My roommate and I dressed up as the Playing Cards Costumes from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland who were ‘painting the roses red.’ The costumes were really easy to make. The cards were made out of pillowcases and felt, and I made the buckets out of cardboard and duct tape. I’m wearing a ski mask and … Read more

Coolest Bearded Lady Costume

Homemade Bearded Lady Costume

Materials needed: Nightgown ($2 from thrift store) Beard ($4 from costume store) This year our theme was “Circus.” My sister was our bearded lady. This Homemade Bearded Lady Costume is the easiest costume in the world to put together. We found a cheesy nightgown from a thrift store and she wore a beard that matched … Read more

Coolest Homemade Face-Book Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Face-Book Halloween Costume Idea

I designed my son’s Face/Book costume as a play on words with the whole costume centered around his face in a book. For this homemade Face-Book Halloween costume idea I started with two pieces of foam board and cut a hole for the face. I sandwiched him between the two boards and connected the two … Read more

Coolest Homemade TV and Remote Control Couple Costume

Homemade TV and Remote Control Couple Costume

My boyfriend and I love to wear couple costumes and this Homemade TV and Remote Control Couple Costume was by far the best that we have come up with! The TV is made out of a cardboard box, black fabric, felt for the buttons and letters, pipe cleaners for the screen frame, wire hangers and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Fireman and Fire Truck Halloween Costume

Homemade Fireman and Fire Truck Halloween Costume

I was so excited when my 3 year old son said he wanted to be a fireman for Halloween. So, I got to work researching how I would make this all happen. After Googling ideas for making a fire truck, I stumbled upon this website. After looking at some of the submitted pictures for homemade … Read more

Coolest Homemade Fire Costume

Homemade Fire Costume

Hello, my name is Laura, I’m a senior in high school, and I make crazy costumes for my school’s spirit week and for Halloween. This was for Caveman Day at my school, so I was fire. The costume: Actually, this was one of the easiest costumes I have ever made, and certainly one of my … Read more

Coolest Fire Costume

Homemade Fire Costume

With the popularity of the Cirque de Soleil dance play, Varekai, and with one of its character’s costume, this year’s theme for my Trick or Treat costume will be focused on how to set fire with my imagination and with the interest of the audience. When I said, set fire, I really mean it… literally! … Read more

Coolest Spider Woman Costume

Spider Woman Costume

This spider woman costume was so difficult to do. I cut and interfaced each spider leg and placed them accordingly onto the suit. It has the same spider applique on the back of the costume. I used purchased gloves and added the white triangle to them. The mask attaches to the suit and has mirrored … Read more