Coolest Toy Story Meets Child’s Play Costume

Toy Story Meets Child's Play Costume

Being a fan of the Toy Story movies, I always wondered what would happen if Andy got a different toy for his birthday. My costume this year is an exploration of that very idea. I have built big and bulky, ‘hard to wear’ costumes in the past. I figure that I’m only wearing it for … Read more

Coolest Piggyback Costume

Free Ride

For this piggyback costume I used a garage suit stuffed in the bottom and worn on the top. A graduation gown – worn on the bottom and stuffed with a mannequin on the top. Walk a bit hunched over and it looks like you are riding.

Coolest Bookworm Costume

Coolest Bookworm Costume 2

I am a second grade teacher and I felt this Bookworm Costume would be a great costume for my students to enjoy. First, I’d like to say that I can’t take all the credit for the idea for the bookworm costume. I saw another bookworm costume on this website (, where a mother made one … Read more

Coolest Piggy Back Illusion Costume

Homemade Piggy Back Illusion Costume

I made this Homemade Piggy Back Illusion Costume for our annual Halloween-party at the university. The feedback was amazing, and the fun of running around screaming, playing the role really made my day. The costume is cheap butt takes some time to put together properly. Cheap; since most of the material is stuff you have … Read more

Coolest Homemade Gangster and Body Optical Illusion Costume

Homemade Gangster and Body Optical Illusion Costume

Disposing of the Evidence… This Homemade Gangster and Body Optical Illusion Costume took me about 6 hours to make. For the gangster’s torso I used a jacket and mask over a Styrofoam/newspaper frame. It was supported upright with an aluminum pole that went into my back pocket. I cut a large hole in the back … Read more

Alien Halloween Ideas for Costumes

I built a metal “jaw” onto a hockey helmet and them using a large foam block sculpted it down to shape. I attached it to the helmet with a metal rod sticking out of the back of the helmet and to the front with cable ties. I then covered it with lyres. I used corrugated … Read more

Coolest Homemade Outhouse Costume

Homemade Outhouse Costume

My wife and I got the inspiration for this homemade outhouse costume from this website. While it could be borderline offensive to some people, I still felt comfortable wearing it among business colleagues and would-be customers. It will make for an easy ice-breaker later down the line, (“Hey, remember me? I’m the guy from the … Read more

Coolest Homemade PMS Pantyliner Costume

Homemade PMS Pantyliner Costume

I wanted something original and funny. This Homemade PMS Pantyliner Costume is what I came up with. I basically took a huge box (flat screen TV) and cut it into the shape of a pad. I took a mattress pad, purchased from Walmart, for 15 bucks, and wrapped it around the cardboard. Cinching it in … Read more

Coolest Bathtub Costume

Homemade Bathtub Costume

A fun, homemade bubble bath costume! It’s a unique and creative idea that will surely surprise all your friends!! My costume was made from scratch and barely cost me anything. I decided to go with pillow fluff for a more sudsy look. First I got a cardboard box and I covered it with tape and … Read more