Coolest Homemade Gorilla Carrying Girl in Cage Costume

Homemade Gorilla Carrying Girl in Cage Costume

In this Homemade Gorilla Carrying Girl in Cage Costume, I am the girl in the cage and yes I am really a man. The cage is made from PVC that is painted silver. The top is just cardboard painted silver. There is also a light at the top so the girl can be seen clearly. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Dracula Love Child Costume

Homemade Dracula Love Child Costume

First of all, I’m cheap. The less I spend making a costume the better. On this Dracula Love Child Costume, I spent a whopping $0.50 for a ring pop and that was it. Optical illusion type costumes are always amusing to me, so that was my premise. I usually start by searching through the left … Read more

Coolest Alien with Flying Saucer Costume

Alien with Flying Saucer Costume

My son wanted to be a space ship for Halloween, so after much thought and ideas bouncing all over the place, I came up with a solution! Why not be the space ship and the alien? And thus, this Alien with Flying Saucer costume was born! A round cardboard disc and crumpled newspaper, secured with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Women’s Restroom Sign Costume Design

Homemade Women's Restroom Sign Costume Design

I decided to be the Women’s Restroom Sign last year. I started with two big white cardboard pieces that I found at Target. They were in the school supplies aisle and were double fold out display boards, like you would use for a presentation. I cut the two triangular front pieces and rectangular pieces for … Read more

Coolest Evil Tooth Fairy Costume

Homemade Evil Tooth Fairy Costume

I made this Evil Tooth Fairy Costume myself a couple of years ago for my Halloween costume. For the shirt I took a white tank top and used fabric paint to make a bloody tooth. The skirt was from a pattern I got at Joann’s. i made a choker out of bloody ‘teeth’ made from … Read more

Coolest Tooth Fairy and Tooth Couple Costume

Here’s a cool couple costume idea. This is my daughter as the tooth fairy and my son as her tooth! We had so much fun with this couple costume! First, I bought a white sheet and drew the shape of a tooth on it. Next, cut 4 pieces to have a front and back. Sew … Read more

Coolest Solar System Halloween Costume

Space...the final frontier.

This year, our 5-year-old wanted to be… The Solar System!! Gulp. After much debate and trying to convince our son that we needed a back-up plan, my wife and I began the quest. The assembly consisted of a bike helmet (thrift store), Styrofoam balls, plant wire, spray paint, glitter, a black t-shirt, fabric glue, and … Read more

Coolest Planet Jupiter DIY Costume with Skinny Ring

Homemade Planet Jupiter DIY Costume with Skinny Ring

My son told his teacher that he wanted to be Planet Jupiter for Halloween. His teacher came up to me and asked me if he was going to be Jupiter. I had no idea he wanted to be that. That day Jason came up to me and said “Mommy I want to be planet Jupiter … Read more

Awesome Homemade Deep Sea Diver Costume

Homemade Deep Sea Diver Costume

This Homemade Deep Sea Diver Costume was done with the famous “Art Attack Mix” half white glue and half water. It took me three days of work but the result was worth it. What do you think about? It was the best of all the party.

Coolest Homemade Living Baseball Statue Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Living Baseball Statue Halloween Costume Idea

My son Nicholas is all about baseball and my son and my husband decided to make him a Living Baseball Statue for Halloween. I bought an old baseball uniform a plastic wooden looking bat and cleats at yard sales for a couple of bucks and my husband used bronze spray paint with gold highlights to … Read more

Coolest Colts Corn Hole Costume

Homemade Colts Corn Hole Costume

Choose your favorite team. We chose a Homemade Colts Corn Hole Costume. Find 2 boxes and cut the bottom off completely. Cut a half circle so that you can lean your neck into the box. Also, cut holes in the sides of the box for each arm. Next paint them to look like football themed … Read more