Coolest DIY Christmas Gift Box Costume Ideas

Homemade DIY Christmas Gift Box Costume Ideas

These DIY Christmas Gift Box Costume Ideas were very easy to come up with. After finding out that our good friend was dressing as Santa Claus we decided we would get creative and dress like his presents! We found several boxes and wrapped them in pretty wrapping paper, attached garland for the straps and each … Read more

Coolest Homemade Scarecrow Halloween Costume

Homemade Scarecrow  Halloween Costume

Well, where do I start? My 4 year old son Tanner decided the he wanted to be a scarecrow for Halloween this year. His father and I thought that it was a cute and easy costume idea. We figured on going to the store and purchasing the scarecrow costume, afterall a scarecrow is a pretty … Read more

The Demon Harlequin Costume

Homemade Demon Harlequin Costume

This costume began it’s journey 3 years ago. I did not use a sewing machine or patterns, just a needle and thread and a ton of various types of material. I’m often asked what I am… and where I came up with the idea, and the truth is… I was sitting on the couch one … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lighthouse Halloween Costume

Homemade Lighthouse Halloween Costume

My four year old son is fascinated by lighthouses, so much so that our trips usually revolve around stopping by a lighthouse. He wanted to be the Chincoteague, Virginia, lighthouse this year so this is what I came up with. I used a photo of the lighthouse for inspiration. The body of the lighthouse is … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pure Michigan Unique Halloween Costume

Homemade Pure Michigan Unique Halloween Costume

This year I attended a “Halloween Monster Mash” party, so I needed to think of a clever costume on a budget. I’m from Michigan, and everybody across the U.S knows it’s been tough times here lately. With job lay offs, and lack of hiring across the state. Even though we have the highest unemployment in … Read more

Coolest Homemade “Occupy Wall Street” Costume

Homemade "Occupy Wall Street" Costume

My husband came up with the idea for this year’s costume – a take-off on the “Occupy Wall Street” protests. Christopher’s protest was “Occupy Pines Bridge” – the name of his school. All of the signs were based on the idea of what kids would want to protest – things like vegetables, healthy snacks and … Read more

Easy Homemade Loofah Costume

Loofah Costume

I saw the two other loofahs on this site and started working right away on my loofah costume. However, I couldn’t find any direct instructions to make it, so I figured I’d add some of my own. First, this is what to buy: I found a long shirt/dress a the local department store on sale … Read more

Original Homemade Loofah Halloween Costume

Homemade Loofah Halloween Costume

I got my idea for the Homemade Loofah Halloween Costume from this site. I took a black tank dress, 30 yards of netting, and tons of safety pins to complete the costume. I cut the netting into large squares, stitched around the sides with a needle and thread and pulled the thread tight to gather … Read more

Coolest Homemade Girl Scout Halloween Costume

Homemade Girl Scout Halloween Costume

I am the girl scout troop leader for my daughter and thought it would be funny if my husband dress like a girl scout. For this homemade girl scout Halloween costume I purchased a yard of fabric and sewed the skirt and the sash. My husband had a short sleeve white button down shirt that … Read more

Coolest Homemade Oktoberfest Snowglobe Costume

Homemade Oktoberfest Snowglobe Costume

This homemade Oktoberfest Snowglobe costume took 14 hours, and about $50 to build. I started with foam batting and some wood veneer. The foam was cut into strips with a serrated knife (mess), and glued end to end to form a ring. To add some stability I soaked the veneer, and hot glued it within … Read more